Speaking at Birmingham on Monday Mr. Austen Chamberlain said :-
"Fear broods over Europe, the fear of war breaking out again, not to-day, not to-morrow, not, as I think, in my time ; but unless we can alter the outlook, relieve these fears, and give security in the international sphere, it is brought home to me with every day that I pass at my work that Europe is moving uneasily, slowly, it may be, but certainly to a new catastrophe."
These are very grave words, and yet we find consolation in them, for so long as Mr. Chamberlain sees how important it is to substitute conciliation and co-operation for the thoughts and apparatus of war he will be in no danger of consenting to any policy that sows dragon's teeth. We earnestly hope for a successful development of the proposed Pact which would include Germany. As Lord Grey of Fallodon has just said, it is on the right lines. But we must regretfully recognize that there is a sharp opposition between the mind of Great Britain and the mind of France. We read in the Temps of April 3rd these words :—" The Treaty of Peace, in providing for the demilitarization of the left bank of the Rhine, intended to provide securrity for France and Belgium, not security for Germany against France and Belgium. The risk now is of inverting these roles." That is very disturbing language. It sanctions the policy of letting Germany cherish a bitter grievance.