CHOLERA. — The following is the report of cases and deaths since
our last number was published. Cases, 3,185; deaths, 1,282; total re- maining yesterday, 1,404. Thursday and yesterday were intensely hot, and some aggravation of the disorder in the metropolis might be ex- pected in consequence. On the whole, however, the state of the disease here seems to excite but little attention, compared with what it received a fortnight or three weeks ago; and from this fact alone, we might conclude that its virulence bad abated; indeed, the medical works re- present the epidemic as having nearly disappeared. On Monday, Dr. Allsop, of Birmingham, died of a very severe attack. Only fourteen hours intervened between the commencement of the disease and the interment of the body ; and on Thursday, a Mr. Henshall, one of the editors of the Alfred, died of an attack of two hours' continuance. The . sister of the celebrated dancer Heberle has also fallen a victim to the disorder this week.
In Canada, the cholera has abated, but not until it has made most serious ravages. At Montreal 1,200 died, and-at Quebec 1,000. The entire population of Quebec does not exceed 37,000. Letters from Sydney report the appearance of the disease at Swan River.