11 AUGUST 1832, Page 12


Arrived—At Gravesend, August 7th, the II. C. S. Winchelsea. Burt. from China: and Barbara, Duun, from the Cape; 8th, Sorry. Kemp. and Jane, liaigrie, from New youth Wales; 9th, Exmouth. Warren, from Bengal. Off Margate, 7th. Elizabeth, Hill. from Mauritius. In the Downs, 7th, Charles Kerr, Brodie, from Ceylon. Off Plymouth, 5th. Mary Ann, Jacks, from Van Diemen's Land; Sth, Juliana, Tarbutt, from Madras. Off Falmouth, 6th, Test, Leyburn, from Mauritius. At Liverpool. 7th, lioyal Saxon, Petrie, from Bengal; 8th, Princess Charlotte. M`Kean, from ditto; and Colombia, Kirkwood, .from Bombay. At St. Helena, June 7th, Theodosia, Told, from Bombay; and, 13th, Lotus, front New South Wales. At Bombay. March 9th, Cabotia, Smith, from :Liverpool. At Bengal. March 170, Severn, Braitimaite, from London. At Mauritius, • April 26th, Robert; 28th, Stakesby and Diamond; 30th, Countess Dunmore; and May .1st, Doncaster; all from London. At Ceylon, Feb. 276, Triumph, Green. from London. At Ness- South Wales, March 22d, Dryad. Heard. from Lzialon: 26th, Mars: Turean, from ditto; 27111, Lord Byron, Frazer, from Liverpool; March 2d, Pyramus, Wilson, from Cork. • Sailed—Front Gravesend. August 4th. Roxburgh Castle. Denny. for Bengal; and . Prince George, Adams, for Bombay ; 5111, Lord A mherst. Hicks; James Pattison, Bolton; and Reneeolen. Tullis, for. Bengal; 7th, Ocean Queen. Jameson, for Mauritius; and Helen Mar, Benson, for Van Diemen's Land. From the Clyde. 2d, Stirling ,Castle, Frazer, for Bombay.