THERE is to be a grand Game at Soldiers to be played at Windsor under the Queen's windows, for the especial edification of the Royal party. The Times assures us that the camp is not really warlike ; but wadding bits hard, especially when it comes from a four-and-twenty pounder at a few yards' distance ; and did we not know that the Castle had recently been repaired at an expense of a few hundred thousand pounds, we should fear the safety of the old walls. As it is, their whitened faces will bear good proof of the activity of the siege, and the unerring aim of the gunners. We have received the following account from an eminent penny-a-line-man.
-Tun CAMP.
The interior of the encampment will present an enlivening spectael,-, Jowl to a vast proportion of the officers and visitors. In one part is ranged the park of artillery : in another the forges, which on the present occasion will be engaged in furnishing various items of Idjuuterie, in iron, as memorials of the event. The most symmetrically. formed men have been selected for this duty ; and the hardy labourers will be supplied from time to time with brandy and water. A Drum-head Court-Martial will likewise be held on two deserters ; handsome young men with melancholy looks have been selected as the culprits, who will be found guilty, and sentenced to receive flve hundred lashes each, which will be forthwith administered in the following ingenious manner. A detachment of drummers, with cats-o'-nine tails, but made of worsted, will be drawn up, and the worsted thongs will be dipped alternately in riddle and gunpowder, to pro- duce He imitation of bruises and blood. D mitts the punishment the prisoners will sing appropriate airs. This is expected to make a great impression on the Court, and was proposed by a humane officer, in order to teirl the ("Rinds of the Secretary at War in abolishing the punishment of flogging. The culinary department will be most com- plete. Tins, soldiers will have their rations served out in the reeking hide of the ox ; and the horns of the animals, killed, will be raised as trophies over the tents of two or three general (not particular) officers. The batterie de cuisine is ill occupy a formidable masked battery, mounting I went y stew-pans ; which will open a most destructive tharceal See. The cooks will be habitat in uniform as bombardiers, and UDE NIS been pro. meted to a brigade of artillery, and will superintend the distribution of the (forced-meat) balls and (sugar) canisters.
The lines of approach have been formed in the direction of the principal drains of the
Park. under the direction of the Commissioners of Sewers ; crud a party of pioneers, assisted by a strong body of market-gardeners, are actively employed in deepening and widening them, so that a soldier mas lie down in the galley with ...1 his nose being seen above the grass. Videttes are established at the outposts, %%N.:* are neatly paiMed white, anti made jest high enough for the sentiuel to lean his elbow upon without in- convenience ; on each of these it is intended to raise a gas-lamp, to be lit at sunset. At a given signal—the letting off of a squib, we txtlieve—the troops are to creep along the covered ways on their hands and knees, and the besieged on the walls are supposed not to see them until they reach the last parallel, when they are to form, fifty strong, and advance with unparalleled boldness to the foot of the walls under a galling fire of wad- ding. The forlorn hope, consisting of the handsomest officers and smartest men (to ex- cite the sympathy of the spectators), are then to descend into the ditch, which has lastn dermal out and the nettles carefully cut away with shears by the gardeners' assistants, and thence to ascend with the greatest intrepidity and with loud cheers, and to enter through a new pair of breeches made in a temporary wall erected for the occasion. The fighting will here be terrific; and the shrieks and gleans will be furnished by Signor PAGANINI and a select orchestra, from a senre composed espremly for the occasion. A select party of the little lays of Windsor- will aid the effect by shouts anti catcalls. The combat will be maintainea s ittr wooden swords and bayonets, covered with tin firil, to prevent tire possibility et' aveidents. Some Congreve rockets, stuffed with squibs and serpents, like these at Vauxhall, are to be let off; and one or two terrific mines will be sprung.—in the tseirse of wIdeh, seveval hundred dummies, made for the purpose by tho loyal little boys of incisor (a ho lucre :niti- eipated their materials for Guy Fauses), will be blown into the air for the entertain- ment of t he Court.
The storming party are to be the victors ; and boill they and the defenders of the walls will be regaled with a cold collation. A diNersion will be created by the catching the of one of the baggage. waggons. filled with tow for that purpose ; but it mill be mediately put out, by bringing to bear upon the raging demerit a powerful garden en- gine, which will be worked by the head gardener. The whole will conclude with a grand display of fireworks.