Tuesrltw, ilk A ripest.
PA RTNEas0 I I, nIssof.virn.
IlonOts and C rt11■ERTYINIE lu., 01,1 Bond Street, StOeli-llrOkerS-hlf10001E and WINTER. Ron ;spy, I hi anpshire, surgeon, -- on-r etrry. alld FIELDER, TIlarie'S 11111, Ince- men-WA RD anti HAINES, Fari1124011, Iliaks'aire. :atm nies-.I acQuEs and Co. Slietps. lead. 1,eice4ershire, hosiers -l'ALNIElt Ityt IlA atir,1,:al..alolt St rat, Irish linon-fae:or, ..-1,VerrENtrom and CI:Extra, Corrthill, anal NV. Ctrsuros, Brixton Upper Mill, millers-J. and 3. Fruxitarer:a. 1.iverpool, tolgterro.nitionfacturers --- 11ouotrroN tiil 11,1Essilvi I: it, IlartladoIta•W ard Morice Teel:. Devonshire, coal-auereltants-M'Cat.t.te and I IKLI,. Regent Stree, snuff-dealt:Ts-I... I... and E. SELF, King's Lynn, mereltants : as far as regards I.. SELF jun.-Lc :on and BHA 1,i‘111,001, natehtnakers -A aelNe'roN and Count:17, St. Martin's latne, woollet edra pen:- Faint I: awl K AV, did liters -E SOT M14 WI LEY, Windmill Street, Finsbury, eilmen-l'avraet and Jou Ns, Brist.)1, smiths- Vane and Co., coachmnsters ; as far as regards A. FAGG-LEvEssonx and Co. .Mancliester, manufacturers.
wv ExTs.
BEWSITER, 'WILLIAM NOBLE, Brighton. brewer, Aug. 6. HENDERSON, °inc. Hanover Squaw, betel-keeper, Aug. 7.
BIDDLE, JACOB, LOMIOUROMI, oilman, to surrender Aug. 15. Sept. 18: solicitor. Mr. Curtis, Charlotte -Row. Mansionhouse oilicial assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Au,t iun furs. Bor,Tox, Wir.t.tam„ Harrington, cattle.tlealer, Ac-.g. I. Sept. H : solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co.. Tantield Court, Terndele ; and Mr. Best, Evestattn. FELLows, Grottos:, John's Cried:I:lug', commission-agent. Aug. 17. Sept. 18: solicitor. Mr. Devey, Dorset Stieet, Fleet Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abehurch Lane.
NORRIS, 3011N, Liverpool. earthenwareglealer, Sept. 4, 19: solicitors, Mr. Chester, Staple luja ; and Mr. Corr, Liverpool. SELLEIts, JoUN jaiL., Burnley. c.oi ton-spinner, Aug. 28, 29, Sept. 18 : sol itriturs, Messrs. Perkins and Frampton. (tray's 11111 Square ; atul Mr. Lewtas ;af WaTsox, HENRY, Crown Row. Weleori la Root, rea-dealer, Aug. 14, Sep!. 18: solici- tors. Messrs. Selby, Sergea t's Dot ; °Metal assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street.
Aug. 30, Thompson junior. Beaumont Street, Marylebone, Wine-men:Unit-Sept. 6. Cohen, Brighton. printer-Sepa. 3, Raper, Fleet Street, tailor- .1 ug. 31, Spice, Great Sorry Street, grocer-Aug. 2 -1. Shirley. Hayes, brewer-Atte. 9', ['unman, Bow Lane, tin-plate agent -Aug. 29, %%intl.., Mark I ane, merchant --Aug. 89, Boman, Barking. smack-owner-Aug. 29, Acton, Ipsuielt, laver-brewer-Aug 30, Bibby, Liverpool. mer- chant-Aug. 30, Brockbank, Manchester, slate.dcaler-Aug. 311. Lorkier and Co., Bristol, timber-merehants-Aug. 31. Ware. Cr:Inhume, irontnonger-A sag. 30, Shaw, Dolph, grocer-Aug. 29, Rogers, Leamington Priors, victualler--Sept. 19. Thomas, Ply- mouth, hatter-Aug. 30, Pion:Hove and Swift, Blacklanru, calico-manufacturer:I-Aug. 28, Lambden, Bristol, pin-manufiteturcr -Aug. 30, 1'. C. and J. B. Fleisehmane, Bir- mingham, merchants.
CERTIFICATES To be granted. un!ess cause he shown to the contrary, on or Wore August 29.
Goldschmidt and Co., Great St. Helen's, nterchants-Salmon, Oxford Street, wax. chandler-James. Upper Seymour Street, coal-merchant-Lunn, St. Mary-at-Hill, slop. seller-Cox, Bath, boardiug house- keeper- Muir. Newcastle- upon- Tyne, draper - Gadesby, ilopwas, victuallerliarrison, Alfred Place, Newington Canseu ay, uphol- sterer -Ryle, Manchester. ironmonger-Brockhank, Carlisle, timber.merchant-Wa- then, Rodborough, clothier.
Friday, 10th August.
BENNET and GIL13ERT, Grafton Street, Soho. bOOt•Make13-11ARROD and BOYCE, Nelson Street, Greenwich, jewellers-G. and II. HALL, Greek Street, Soho, oil- sterchants-M. and II. CLARK, Streatham Place, Brixton Hill, boanling-school keepers -11Altrxn and G MB, Liverpool, brickmakers-LONGSTAFF and Hester,. St. Martin's Lane, woollen-dmpers-BsvrsraTos and MIsstNo. Southampton, linen-drapers-'s:Asr. mars and CHAMBERLIN, Brighthelmstone, Sussex, linen-drapers-THomsox and Co , Rio Janeiro--.1ErrEav and Co. Liverpool, linen-drapers ; as far as regards JEFFERY- WITTENOOM anal CREMER;Cornhill, booksellers-DMILINGToll and WALTHEW. Liver- pool. white-smiths-BROKE/42RM and llostcser, Penryn. Cornwall. timber-merchants- -WRIGHT and Co., Bradford, Yorkshire, machine-makers; as tar as regards J. Rooms.
CLARKE, louse, and CLARKE, GREGORY ODELL, Newport Pagnell, corn anal coal dealers.
DAWSON, ANNE, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, boarding-housekeeper.
FRE, JoHN, Bristol, tailor.
PARKER, WILLIAM Best', 'Bristol, scrivener.
AGATE, MICHAEL. Horsham, grocer, to surrender Aug. 21, Sept. Pit solicitors, Messrs. ilium and Son, Jewry Street, Aldgate. CALL, CHARLES, and GENDALL, JoHN, Exeter, carvers, Aug. 22, Sept. 21: solicitors, Messrs. Brutton and Clipperton, New Broad Street ; and Mr. Itrutton.-Exeter. FIELD, DANIEL SPENCER, Worcester Place. Upper Thames Street, coffee-roaster, Aug. 21. Sept. 21: solicitors. Messrs. Holme anal Co., New Inn, BENLEY,'THOMA8, Birmingham, glass cutter, Aug. 18, Sept. 91: solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Arnold and Haines, Birmingham. POOLE, THOMAS, Fore Street, draper, Aug. 21, Sept. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, New- gate Street. ROBERTSON, HENRY, Aylesbury Street, Clerkeirwell. surgeon, Aug. 18, Sept. 21: so- licitor, Mr. Ford, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Seorr, DAVID, Mansell Street, Goodman's Fields, dealer in Scotch ale, Aug. 17, Sept. .2/ solicitor, Mr. Dobie,Palsgrace Place, Temple Bar. SHAW, JOHN, West Bromwich. tailor, Aug. 21. Sept. 21: solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Lincoln's Inn; and Mr. Smith, Walsall.
WARWICK, WILLIAM ALFRED, Romford, wine-dealer, Aug. 23, Sept. 21: solicitors, Mr. Stems Romford; and Mr. Flower, Austinfriars. WEDDELL, JAMES, Burr Street, East Smithfield, ship-owner. Aug. 22, Sept. 21: soli- eitors. Messrs. Blunt and Co.. Liverpool Street, City. ESsItN, CHART.ES, Bristol, grocer. Aug. 24, Sept. 21: solicitors, Messrs. amlen, Gray's Inn I4quare ; and Messrs. Livet, Bristol. Poole and WRIGHT, WitLIAM, New Windsor, grocer, Aug. go, Sept. 21: solicitors, Messrs. IIindmarsh and Son, Crescent, Jew in Street.
Sept. 4, Aguilar. Devonshire Square, merchant-Sept. 4, Johnston, New Street Square, brass-founder-Sept. 1, Rowland. Green Lanes, Tottenham. stationer-Sept. I. Plummer and Wilson, Fenelturch Street, merchants-Aug. 17, Hudson. Oxford Street, tobacconist-Aug. 31. Mattison, Camberwell, tavern keeper-Sept. 5. Williams. Liver- pool, joiner-Sept. 8, Routledge. Manchester, stone-mason-Sept. 4, T. and W.Jackson, Liverpool. lineti-merchauts-Sept. 17, Chapman, Liverpool, merchant-Sept. 8, Wood_ house, Manchester, colour dealer-Sept. 27, Cooper, Exeter, stationer-Sept. 4, Masters, Nethercute, Warwiekshire, cattle-Salestnan-Sept. 5, Armstrong, Birkenhead, Cheshire. draper-Sept. S. Garraway, Batheaston, Somerset shirt,', baker-Sept. 3, T., J., and G. Gibbins, Wolverhampton, bankers-Sept. 11. Surtees and Co., Berwick-epee-Tweed, lattikets -S-pt. 3. II. end .1. I lage, Newark, printers-Aug. 21, 1 fewer, Claverley, Shrop- shire, apetlieeaq -Sept. 4, Britim, Walthantstow, Essex, pardier.
To be gmn?crl, unless caust, shown Co the conlrary, on tr lapre Alt:liest 31. Coliiver, I lelston, Cornwall, hatter-Hall jun., Walsall, Staffordshire. brushmaker- S thaI, Norwich, veterinary-surgeon-Jackson, Manchester. natikecu-ntanuntirturer- Gratrorn, Ilarton.upon-ll umber, Lincolnshire, lime-burlier -Church. Mark Lane, 'trim!. -lIaWl!lorri tacl I.10y11, Burton-mu 41-Trent. Strtlfortishire, linen-draper- V.Alittr,toore, 1Lig itt liclnistone, hookseller-Mastors, Al.len:ault, Hertfordshire, corn. al,,th-r- Ellis, Mark Lane, vktuAller-lludson, ship Orelia, master.marirrer-Ititchic, G, -A.m..% hit, co:II-merchant.