A meeting of electors of IVestminster took place last evening,
at the Crown and Anchor Tavern ; when a petition to the House of Commons was unanimously agreed to be presented, complaining of the clause limiting the period for payment of the rates, and praying an extensiont of time. The subject of an illumination was brought forward ; but it was agreed that no such demonstration of public feeling should take place at present.
The National Political Union hold their festival on Monday, at the Eyre Arms Tavern, St. John's Wood; for which most extensive ar- rangements are in course of preparation.
The passing of the Reform Bills was celebrated on Wednesday night,: by means of a ball, in the Lowther Arcade. More than seven hundred. persons were present, and the dancing was kept up to a late hour in the morning.
There was a fancy fair at Vauxhall, on Thursday and yesterday, ira aid of the funds for repairing Our Lady's Chapel. The company was more select than numerous.
On Tuesday, about three o'clock, Lieutenant-General Sir Charier Bruce, of Beckenham, Kent, while proceeding down St. Martin's Lane, fell lifeless at the corner of St. Martin's Court. Medical as- sistance was instantly obtained, but he was found to be quite deacf... Sir Charles was about forty.
Mr. Shaw, the architect of St. Dunstan's new church, died or apoplexy, almost at the moment of the completion of an undertaking so creditable to him as a professional man.
On Wednesday morning, Mr. S. Risdell, hairdresser, Deptford, died of hydrophobia. He was bit by a small dog on the 3d May, while walking in the high street or Deptford.
The body of an old woman, a bone picker, was found on Tuesday- night at her residence in Parker Street, Drury Lane ; from the ap- pearance of the corpse, it is likely she has been dead several days. Scarcely a vestige of clothing could be seen in the room ; and the,re was no shift, nor the fragments of one, on the body.
An old woman died, the other day, in Grange Road, Bermondsey. '-iShe had requested parochial assistance, and an officer was sent to ex- . amine into her case. The bed on which she died was made of flock, - and the onlyt covering was an old sack, the deceased herself being per- fectly naked. On examining the room, several pounds' worth of silver .were found under the bed on which she died, together with half a dozen silver spoons, and silver sugar-tongs. In a chest of drawers was a great quantity of excellent clothes of every description, together with nine pairs of new shoes; and a great quantity of tea and sugar, which it ap- peared she had been hoarding up for years.