On Wednesday, a little boy named Eade was filially examined,
at Worship Street, on a charge of robbing his father. It appeared that
he had been in the habit of doing so for three years past ; frequently -ran away from home ; and; on the last occasion, after lie had been away two days and nights, wandering about and 'sleeping in the fields, his father found him at Barnet, and brought him back. At his first exami-
cation, he said, that although well treated by his father, and never pu- nished except when he deserved it, he could not help stealing, for the , Devil tempted him, and made him do it; and he assured the Magis- trate, that he often endeavoured to pray to God to keep him from it,
and make him a better boy ; but %vbenever he did so, " an evil spirit told him to go and thieve again." The spirit, it also appeared, did it trouble him while in prisms—where, indeed, the spirit of stealing is seldom troublesome ; and the boy, therefore, anxiously prayed the Ma- gistrate to send him to prison, or to get him a place in the Penitentiary. The &tiler said, a friend had written about the" spirit" to Mr. Irving ; and two gentlemen had, in consequence, visited the boy in prison ; but
. . the "spirit" was deaf to their exorcisms. ITItimately, the boy (who Is only ten years of age) was given up to his lather, in order that, be- tween the two and the Evil One, the chalice of a wrestling might be .tried once more.
Three boys, named Clayton (brothers), were brought up at Worship ' Street Police Office on Tuesday, charged with milking. A police constable, apparently a Very acute gentleman, took the boys in custody; „ knowing, as he soul, Whose property the cow was, and that the boys
were not known to bins— Mr. Broughton—" What! were all three milking?" • Witness—" Yes; two on one side, and one on the other." Mr. Broughton—" Vell, this is quite novel. I never heard before of boys milking cows—I have heard of hedgehogs doing so. Boys, what have you to
• say for yourselves?" Prisoners—" Me. Whale, the owner, gave us leave." Mr. Broughton—" Nut all three?" Prisoners—" Yes, he did."
Officer—" The el lest prisoner, Clayton, told me he wanted a little milk for
his sister, who was ill."
Mr.- Broughton, on being-informed that the boys bore good characters, asked if the parents 'acre present?
Oflicer—" Yes, the father is here."
Mr. Broughton—" Do you mean to beat them for this offence?"
Father—" I do, and that severelv." Mr. Broughton—" That I skill not agme : therefore, to prevent it, I shall
punish them myself by sending them to prison?"
Father—" I hope not." . Mr. Broughton—" On your promising not to beat them, you may take them some, as they seem very sorry for what they have done ?" Father—" I will not beat them."
The prisoners were discharged!
A man named Ware, who said he was a farmer in the neighbourhood
vf Belfast, was charged at Queen Square Office, on Tuesday, with -saumoying members of Parliament by pressing on their acceptance a
pamphlet of his publication. He made no charge for it. It appeared • that the Duke of Wellington, Lord Eldon, and Lord Althorp, had complained of his conduct. The pamphlet in question was the sketch • cf a petition, praying Government to constitute Ireland a free and in- dependent state. • The poor man, who seems to have had as much zeal
• • as wiedom' was held to bail for this terrible offence ; and in default of bail—which he, being a stranger, the Magistrate might have known it was impossible for him to procure—sent to prison.
- On Monday night, at 'about a quarter before ten o'clock, a fellow named Bennett entered the shop of a grocer in Somers Town, with a . large sack upon his shoulders, and heaving it down in one corner of the op, requested Mrs. White, the owner, to allow him to leave it there _......,adunng the night. She inquired what the sack contained? and he
• replied, " Only rags and bones," and ran out of the place. She closed the shop, and proceeded to the parlour; when she conceived , that she beard somebody cough. • Mrs. White afterwards hearing a rustling noise, became alarmed, and went into the shop ; and pro- .: .16eiding towards the sack, she kicked it, on which she thought she saw :something move. She gave it two or three other kicks, but received 310 answer; and feeling satisfied that there was somebody in the sack, she pulled it down, and then jumped upon it - when a voice from within - ried out, "Oh God, save me ! I am barked." Mrs. White ran into
*be street, and called "Police;" on which two constables and a Sergeant 'entered the shop, and untying the mouth of the sack, -released the prisoner, almost suffocated, and considerably agi- tated. On questioning him as to the cause of his being in that situa- ...silo* he said his name was Mason; he had no bad intention, but while . 'he was crossing the Regent's Park, he picked up the sack, and coming along, he met with Bennett, two lads named Isaacs, and a lad named _Bryant ; and they forced him into the sack, and tied him into it. They
said it was only a game; and he knew no more of where he was, or
• what they had done to him, until he found somebody trampling upon him, and Cried out for "help." The officers took him and the other parties
• into custody; they all confessed having been concerned in putting - Mason into the sack ; but said it was only a "lark." Mr. Sergeant Belion of Hatton Garden, before whom the five were examined, in- - "paired what sort Of characters the prisoners were of.- Mr. Mallet, the
• clerk, said that the prisoners Bryant and Isaacs bad been tried at the
• Old Bailey. Mr. Sergeant Sellon asked Mason what he had to say. liason—" I agreed to be put into the sack, and to be left in the honk, 'bmt I bad no bud intention." Bennett and -Mason were remanded, and —she others were discharged.