Paris is very quiet; and the journalists have little to
discuss, save an application made by the French Government to the Swiss Vorort, now assembled at Lucerne, to expel Prince Louis I3ONAPARTE from the territory of the Confederated Cantons. The reluctance of the Vorort to comply with this demand was no secret. It was rumoured that Prince Louis would declare himself a citizen of Switzerland, having lived in the canton of Thurgovia for twenty years ; in which case, the French Government ex- pected that his influence with the Republican party in France would be diminished. lf, on the other hand, be claimed to be a subject of France, the Swiss Government would have no pretence for protecting him, his connexion with disaffected parties in France being notorious. The chief part of the interest attached to this affair arises from the evident uneasiness which the proxi- mity of a member of the BONAPARTE family causes to Louis PHILIP.