The accounts of the hay harvest are generally unfavourable, in
con- sequence of the rainy weather ; and the anxiety respecting the grain crops is, from the same cause, much increased. " The iron trade," says the 1Volverhampton Chronicle, " continues in a cheerful and prosperous state, and we learn that the principal iron- masters have on hand as many orders as they desire, and there are large contracts yet to be made for railway iron. The accounts from the Continent, as well as from the United States, seem to have infused general confidence into those engaged in the manufacture of this im- portant article with regard to prices ; and there can be no doubt that the improved state of things manifested in the iron districts is extend- ing itself to trade generally, as much more activity is prevailing in many of the branches of has dware than was lately the case."
At present there is a tolerably fair demand for manufactured articles in Lancashire and Yorkshire.