The Clods and Cocknies, who, in the guise of "
Surry Yeomanry Cavalry" are licensed to make themselves ridiculous at the public expense, and to disturb the peace of quiet communities in the glorious cause of "order and good government," completed their week's satur- nalia at Guildford, on Wednesday. Disorder was unquestionably the first if not the only law amongst these illegitimate sons of Mars during their probationary sojourn at Guildford ; discipline being a word appa- rently unknown in their ranks. Riot, noise, and drunkenness, the muzzle of restraint cast off, were let loose into the streets, insomuch that it has been scarcely possible for decent females to leave their houses. Under such circumstances, the relief their departure affords may be far better imagined than described. Why, may it be permitted to ask, was not this worse than useless regiment of I3obadils dis- banded, in common with many other troops of their gallant companions in arms ? Was it because their Colonel, the newly-tlevated Earl of Lovelace, can be
" Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw,"
that the "no patronage" Government were unwilling to deprive their obsequious, partisan of his toy ? or was it that the "faction-whisper- ing" Home Secretary had rather intrust the institutions of the country to the protection of the uneducated and ignorant (in whose ranks only too many of these Yeomanry are entitled to a place) than to the intel- ligent and civilized of the community ? It is understood that an inquiry will be instituted into the conduct or rather misconduct of sonic of these worthies, who nearly caused the death of a poor little boy about twelve years old, by administering to him a large quantity of raw brandy.—From a Correspondent.