11 AUGUST 1838, Page 8

The Irish Metropolitan Conservative Society held a meeting on Monday,

and adopted a petition to the Queen to dismiss Lord Nor- manby.

Mr. Wyse, M. P., has accepted the Commissionership of Irish Poor-- laws, salary 2,000/. a year; to reside in London. As it is thought he must vacate his seat for Waterford, Major Beresford will start fur that city.—Limerich Chronicle.

Mr. Mills, the opulent banker, of London, has become a shareholder in the Agricultural Bank of Ireland.—Northern Whig.

In the Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Joint Stock Banks, is an account of an investigation into the pro. ceedings of an institution called the Dublin Provident Loan Society, which may well be termed one of the vagaries of our monetary system. It appears that this joint stock association, as it was called, bad the names of only two persons registered at the Stamp Office as proprie- tors; who conttived, however, to effect its immediate objects, and fur- ther to graft upon them, in an illegal manlier, the functions of a bank of issue also. Thus they adopted a double title, one on the inside and the other on the outside of their printed circulars,—one being the a Dublin Provident Bank," the other the "Dublin Provident Loan Society." The business transacted was considerable ; and they con- trived to get into circulation to the amount of about 16,000/. notes of 1. each, bearing interest, and not payable till five years after date, with a condition that they should run on for five years longer, unless written notice was served upon the Directors three months before the expira- tion of the first term. The inquiry was conducted by Mr. G. Mat- thews, Secretary to the Loan Fund Board in Dublin Castle ; and well justifies the remark with which lie concludes his Report, that " the persons in England who buy these negotiable receipts may hereafter blame the Government for allowing the Bank. Registry Acts to re. mean unaltered, when so gross a fraud can be perpetrated under them, as two individuals opening a joint stock bank with a placarded capital of half a million."— Times.