11 AUGUST 1838, Page 9


wateorrice, Aug. T.—Brevet—Capt. A. Hume*, of the 21st ltegt. llotubny Nat its. Infantry (employed upon a particular service in Affghanistati;) to hay.. the local rauk of Lient•Col. in AffultaniAan and Persia while so employed. Lieut. It Leech, of the Bombay Engineers (employed on a particular service in A 11;:hanistaa,) to lime the local rank or Major in Affghanistun and Persia while so emjhuui ed. WA11.0171CY, Aug. 10.-5th Drag. Guards—Cornet S. C. York! to Is' Lieut. by Inc. chase.vice Blackwood, who retires; W. N. A. Hill. Gent. to be Col net, IW purcha,, vice. Yorke. 2d.Drags.—Itegimental Sergt.-Major G. 11eiel to be Adjt. with the rank of (onset. vice Furlong, sumo resigns the /Whammy only. 17th Foot --Capt. t. F)11., froal. the 424 Foot, to be Capt. vice Lord C. Gordon, who exchanges. :altit Foot — io'go 3. Guilt to be Lieut, by purchase. vice I larford, who n tits; .1. 11. Kirby, (lent. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Guilt. 42,1 Foot-4%4,i. Lord C. Gordon, from the Gth Foot, to be Capt. vice Fy fe, who exchanges. 74th Fotst—ltusigti G. Monk. sad to be Lieut. without purchase, vice O'Brien. dec.; Ensign A. E. °bins to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Symonds, promoted ; Sergt:Major J. Wolk..t. to ke Ensign. Monkland ; 0. Willington, Gent, to be Ensign. by purchase. CIC Ohius. 9241 not —Resign 3.3. C. Drake to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Feeding, who retires ; H. Tattoall, tient, lobe Ensign, by purchase, vice Drake. 'loyal African Colonial Corps—Lieut. Col. R. Doherty, from the half-gay unattached, to be Lleut.-Cob vice A. M. Fraser, who exchange..


The paper alluded to by Mr. %Vintners did not reach us—at lout we have no teacake! t ion seeiug it.

Our Guildford correspandent may do what he proposes.