President Bonaparte was to take his departure today, for a
visit to Rouen and Havre.
In the French Assembly, on Thursday afternoon M. Pansy presented two important measures,—the one for the establishment of a tax of 1 per cent on all incomes; and the other imposing a duty on the transfer of Rentes and other public funds in cases of decease, and also in cases of gra- tuitous donations inter vices. The presentation of these measures created a considerable sensation in the Assembly; and in the evening it produced an unfavourable effect at the Passage of the Opera, where the Five per Cents were done at 88f., 45e. or 15c. lower than the closing prices at the Bourse,
The Paris papers of Thursday announce the arrival on that day of a courier from Turin, with news that the treaty of peace between Austria and Piedmont was signed on the 6th instant, and that a partial amnesty had already been proclaimed at Milan.
Letters from Rome, of the 3d instant, state that three Commissioners had. arrived from Gaeta and assumed the temporal government of the Papal States; which General Oudinot, by public proclamation, resigned into their hands, retaining only the military power for the French army. The Com- mission, composed of three Cardinals, is to form the Ministry, with the exception of the department of Foreign Affairs' which remains with Car- dinal Antonelli. No conditions appear to have been made with the Pope, and the promises given by the Commissioners are of a general nature only. . According to accounts from Bologna, of the 3d instant, Garibaldi has at kis succeeded in escaping from the Auatrians. He embarked on the o'dook in the morning, on board some fishing-vessels, mom.- paled by two or three hundred of his followers, at Cedenatico, a small port of the Adriatic, situated between Rimini and Ravenna. It is not known whether he has gone to Venice or Corfu. The Austrian General has taken the rest of Garibaldfs men prisoners. Upwards of 1,000 of them have already reached Bologna; and the rest will be distributed among the other towns garrisoned by the Austrians.