All doubt of the destination of the fleet is now
removed. A telegraphic despatch from Dantzie, dated yesterday, reports that "oh the 6th, the English and a portion of the French fleet weighed from Nargen, and an- chored the same day off Sweaborg. On the 7th, the two fleets were drawn up in front of Sweaborg. The bombardment of that place was to commence on the same afternoon."
Reports from the Russian camp before Kars are published in the Invalids Busse. They are not of so late a date as the direct information from Kars, =I describe certain victorious skirmishes with the Turkish cavalry.
The Russian papers state that Genitchi was bombarded for the third time on the 19th July, by "three gun-boats and two screw-steamers." The troops were withdrawn. Some straw, and several houses, were burnt, and the church battered with cannon.
It is stated by the Vienna journals that there is no foundation for the report that the Empress Dowager of Russia has written to the Arch- duchess Sophia; and by the Paris papers that, far from carrying a letter from the Emperor Napoleon to the Emperor of Austria, General Letang has not evert quitted France.