11 AUGUST 1855, Page 21


B RI T I 8 FE FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Satared


S per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3pm Cents Reduced El New 3 per Cents. 921 Long Annuities — Annuities 1885 — Bank Stock, 8 per Cent — India Stock, 101 per Cent --- Exchequer Bills, 21d. per diem — Exchequer Bonds 1829 1001 India Bonds, 31 yer Cent --- FOREIGN' FUNDS.

(Lost Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 5 p. Ct. French 41p.Ct.

Belgian 94 Ditto If —•-•

BrasMan s 1021

Buenos Ayres 8 - 341 Chilies 8 - 103 Danish 6 — Ditto 3 Dutch (Ex. 12 (2uildere) 21 -

Ditto 4 - 'Ili French 3 -

93 661 • Si

Colufal 231

• Gornmercial of London 311 ex d.

London 361 London Marta. Huh. of Australia 20 London Joint Stock. 301 cad.

'London and Westminster 17 ex d.

National of Ireland N.ttional Provincial 731 Oriental 43 Provincial of Ireland

Union of Peetrsti. Taut& _Union a London 38 MISEB-■

Agua Fria ' Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) Cobra Copper


Australian Agricultural Canada • Crystal Palace General Steam , Feel River Land and Mineral -Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mall Steam South Australian BULLION. Per Oa: ' METALS. Farina.

Foreign Gold in Bars. titambard..1,3 17 9 Copper, Brit. Cakes.E126 0 0.. 0 0 0 : Foreign Gold in Coin, PoPU 0 08 Iron, Welsh Bars .... 7 ID 0 .. 8 0 0

New Dollars 0 5 - 01 Lead, British Pig.... 23 10 0 .. 23 0 .. 0 Silver in Bars, Standard • 0 6 n Steel,Swediab Keg.. 18 0 0 .. 19 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Larne, Aug. 3.

11.- Rye 42 tett Barley 29 - 31 White ... 41148 . 37 to 09 Blue 49-59 Malang 35-32 Malt, Ord 65-72 Beans, Ticks 40-41 Harrow 40-42 " Pine — 0- 0 Indian Corn 47-50 Peas, Hog 36-38 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. WEEKLY AVERAGE, Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the Week ending Aug. 4. Wheat.... 76a. Sd. I Rye 48.. Di. Wheat.. 75s. Id. I Rye 48.. 11d. Barley.,.. 34 7 Beans 46 4 Barley 35 0 I Beans 46 11 Oats 28 8 Peas 42 5 Oats 28 11 1 Peas 41 6 PROVISIONS.

Butter-Best Fresh, las. (Id. per du.

Carlow, 01. Os. to OL Os. per cwt. • Bacon, Irish per met. 74r. to 78.. Cheese, Cheshire 0 - 0 Derby, Plain 0 - 0 Hams, Stork 9 - 0 Eggs, French per 120,0.. (Id. to Os. Od.


N111.311.TE AND LasnartnasaV CNISLI-11•11.117.•

- a.

Beef... 3 I to 4 2 to 4 8 .... to 41 to 6 2

Mutton 4 - 4 4 - 4 10 .... 44-6 - 5 4 Veal .. 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 9 .... 4 0 - 4 - 6 0 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 5 .... 4 3 - 4 4 8 Lamb.., 4 9-5 0 - 5 4 .

To sin 0- k the offal, per 5 lb.


199r. to 220s Down Togs per lb. 144 to 1614

O 0 Wethers 11 - 14

180 - 200 Leicester Fleece. 131 - 0

O - 0 Combing 10 - 131

Rape Oil per cwt. .C2 17 0

Linseed 011 2 2 6 Linseed Oil Cake per 1000 15 0 0 Refined,.. 3 0 0 Petersburg Y. C 64s. 9d. to Us. Od.

Town Tallow 58.. 64. to Os. Od.

OlLS, GREASE, COALS. Cs/fee. fine (in bond) cwt. 678.0d. toles. Od. Tea, Souchong, fine, per lb. Is. Id. to 25. 54,/ Pekoe, flowery 1 6 - 41 Good Ordinary 50s. Od. - 63e. Od. Congoo, fine , . 1 0 -3 4 In Bond-Doty Is. ed. per lb. GROCERIES.

Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt. 34..14d.

Coals, Hetton 225.04. West India Mulassee Itts. 6d. to 17$. 014

Tees 125. 64.

nday Tuesday Waxer. Thurs.


:0 91 911 911 911 MI

91 901 901

Si Si 821 921 921 es.

— 4 4 •--- 161 151 161 161 214 215 214 114 — 231 --- 232 14 y 21 — — 1 Hai inei 1001 28 pin. — -- 31

91 91 el/ 921 Mexican 3

Peruvian 41

Portuguese 3

Russian Sardinian a

Spanish 3

Ditto New Deferred $

Ditto I Passive'

Turkish 8

Venezuela 41

- - - - - - 311 811 87 1


31 Edinburgh and Glasgow City Eastern Counties Great Northern , Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western .... . ..

Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle Landau, Brighton, & South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-Western London and South-Western Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland North British North-Eastern-lierwtek North-Eattern-York Oxford, Wor. & Wolverhampton Scottish Central South-Eastern and Dover East India Guaranteed

Great Western of Canada Dears-

Emit and West India London Bt. Katherime Victoria SHARES.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

ILLILIVAIII.■ Bail LT.- Bristol and Exeter Anstraluian

Caledonian British North American 921 631

- 811

991 err d. II/


• as,

119 1021 87 107 61/ 34 23

9 a

865 AO


48 25 "21.

281 001 cad.

291 " 234



851 -3T

s. s.

Wheat, R. 0 060 0 Flee 0-0 White Old 0- 0 Flue 0- 0 New 72-80 Fine 85-86 Ofta,Pced.. 24 to 25 Fine., 21-26 Poland ... -26 Fins.. 25-29 Potato ... 28 - 19 Fine .. 29 -Si FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 65,. to 73*.

Seconds 60 - 66 Essex and Suffolk, on board slily 0 - 0

Norfolk and Stockton 53 56 American per barrel $7 - 44 Canadian /7 - 44 Bread, 71d. to 101d. the alb. loaf.

Hun or Cants at ram Carrzt-nuarr. Monday. Friday.

Beasts. 3,937 1.084 Shoop .25,120 10,140

Cahn . 281 602

Pip . 620 380 Heat Pockets Choice ditto Susses ditto Farnham ditto Hay, Good..., Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Tunes.)

Ca KlealarM. ' Sorrarrato. WIN ITCCI, IOU.

1208 to 1300. " 118s. to 120s 130s. to 1110." 80 - 110 so - 9 50 - 100

90 -; -. 120 0 - 0 110 - 116 135 - 147 130 - 131 130 - 147 31 34 24 - 28 26 - 30