The market for Consols, which was very good, 94 buyers, on Monday gradually drooped; today it was weak upon the announcement of is loan for India of three millions. The Account, which was brought to a close today, proved small, and the settlement was accomplished without difficulty. The rates of Contango ranged from I 1, the dealers being givers of the latter price at the last moment. There has been a fair supply of Money Stock and a moderate demand for Money from day to day, at about 3i.
The reaction from the very high prices asked for Railway Stocks and Shares has continued. The markets have, however, been tolerably well
supported, and there has been no great pressure of sales. The principal dividends declared have been Great Western, 3 per cent, and London and North-Western, 5 per cent. These rates were generally expected, and may have had little effect on the market. A marked improvement has taken place in Canada Shares, and the American lines have also been firm. The following are the prices of the principal shares &c. :—Consols for money, 93k 1 ; Midland, 1281 ; London and North-Western 103k ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1091 A; Great Western, 721 I; Soulli- Western, 951I ; North-Eastern and Berwick, 1001 ; North British 64 ; Caledonian, 94 ; South-Eastern, 89/ 901 ; Great Northern, 1181 119} ; London and Brighton, 111 ; Eastern Counties, 56i 57 ; Great Western of Canada, 12 6-16 7-16. Miscellaneous shares generally have rather strengthened in price. The new railway and mining company, "The Gellivra," seems likely to float, it has a strong direction, and according to the prospectus looks a promising speculation ; the price 1 to prem. There is nothing whatever to record in the Foreign Market this week. General stagnation exists and all Stocks are dull at previous quotations. Nothing at all new, with the exception of it being anticipated that a portion of the New Sardinian Loan, contracted for abroad, will ultimateilii have to be brought to this country. The closing prices were—Belgian, 98 ; Brazil Five per Cent, 99 101; Chili Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 82 ; Dutch Two-and-a-Half, 65 66 ; Grencda, 1415; Mexican, 21 ; Peruvian, 9.5 96; Portuguese Three per Cents, 44 45; Riissian, 108 110; Sardinian, 83 85; Venezuela, 22 23; Spanish, 481 49. During the week there has been an active demand for money, especially in Lombard Street. The rates for the best commercial bills have been from 31 to 4 per cent. The imports of bullion during the week have been below 300,0001. and about 200,000/. have been taken for export.
The Indian Loan of 3,000,000/. for which power is to be asked from Par- liament on Monday, is lees than was generally expected. It will probably be raised in a 5 per cent stock.