THROUGHOUT the Session which terminated yesterday after- noon the deaths of nineteen Peers were recorded. Their names and ages are as follows : —The Marquises Camden, 67 ; Lansdowne, 50 ;—Earls Gainsborough, 84; Kinnoul, 81; Bathurst, 76 ; Lanesborough, 71; Rosslyn, 64 ; Chesterfield, 61; Limerick, 53; Donoughmore, 43 ; Beauchamp, 37 ; Harrington, 21 ; —Vis- count Clifden, 41 ;—Barons Glenelg, 83 ; Monteagle, 76 ; Clinton, 74 ; Bayning, 69 ; Vernon, 62 ; Rivers, 56. The Baronies of Bayning and Glenelg have become extinct, while the successors to the titles of Clifden, Donoughmore, Monteagle, and Rivers are minors. The Duke of Hamilton has attained his majority, and the Marquis of Ormonde, who became of age on 5th October last, has taken the oaths and his seat. There are thus fifteen new Peers by right of succession. Fourteen Peers have been created, viz., His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Viscount Halifax, Barons Barrogill, Clermont, Hartismere, Hylton, Kenry, Lytton, Mere- dyth, Monck, Northbrook, Penrhyn, Romilly, and Strathnairn. Five of these are creations of Lord Derby, and eight owe their rank to Earl Russell, the Dukedom of Edinburgh being a thing of course, no matter what Prime Minister was in power. Two Barons of the United Kingdom, Lord Dartsey and Lord Wode- house, were promoted by Lord Russell to a higher order in the Peerage. The former now sits as Earl of Dartsey and the latter as Earl of Kimberley.
Turning to the House of Commons, we find that thirty-one constituencies have changed their representatives. Of these thirty- one places four-have each elected two new members, viz., Devon-
port, Nottingham, East Suffolk, and Windsor. Of the members who were returned at the general election sixteen have been un- seated, nine have become Peers, six have died, four sit for other con- stituencies, two have become Chief Judges, two have resigned, and one lost his seat on appealing to his constituents for re-elec- tion. The members unseated were Sir J. Acton, Sir R. Clifton, Mr. E. M. Fenwick, Sir H. II. Hoare, Mr. G. W. Leveson- Gower, Mr. Labouchere, Mr. S. Morley, Mr. Parry, Mr. Fender, Mr. Schneider, and Mr. A. W. Young, Liberals ; and Mr. Fer- rand, Mr. Fleming, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Mills, and Mr. Westropp, Conservatives. The M.P.'s who have gone to the Upper House are the Earl of Brecknock and Sir Charles Wood, Liberals ; and Lord Henniker, Sir W. Jolliffe, Hon. F. Lygon, Sir E. B. Lytton, Colonel Douglas-Pennant, Lord Stanhope, and Hon. C. Trefusis, Conservatives. The deaths have been those of five Liberals and one Conservative, viz., Lord Palmerston, 81 ; Colonel Lloyd Watkins, 63 ; Hon. J. C. Dundas, 57 ; Mr. F. D. Goldsmid, 53 ; Right Hon. H. A. Herbert, 50 ; and Sir Minto Farquhar, 57. The two resignations have been by Conservative members, Mr. W. Leslie and Major-General Lindsay. Two Chief Judgeships have been given to Conservatives,—the Chief Justiceship of Ireland to Mr. Whiteside, and the post of Chief Baron of the Exchequer to Sir F. Kelly. Mr. H. Fenwick, Liberal, was defeated at Sunder- land on offering himself for re-election, after his appointment as a Lord of the Admiralty in Earl Russell's Government. Four Con- servatives have left their former constituencies and gone to others ; Mr. Gathorne Hardy exchanges Leominster for Oxford University; Mr. Dowdeswell leaves Tewkesbury for West Worcestershire ; Sir Stafford Northcote relinquishing Stamford for North Devon ; and Sir E. Kerrison forsakes Eye for East Suffolk. There are now 31 members in the House of Commons who had no seats in that assembly at the commencement of the Session. They are Viscount Amberley, Mr. Candlish, Mr. M. Chambers, Hon. J. Denman, Mr. Edwards, Lord Eliot, Mr. Eykyn, Mr. Fordyce, Mr. Julian Goldsmid, Lord John Hay, Captain Herbert, Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Bernal Osborne, Mr. Staniland, Mr. Vanderbyl, and Mr. Wyvill, Liberals; and Mr. Arkwright, Hon. G. W. Barrington, Mr. Brett, Mr. Capper, Mr. Dimsdale, Mr. Eckersley, Mr. Gorst, Sir John Hay, Hon. J. M. Henniker-Major, Mr. Hildyard, Hon. Egremont Lascelles, Sir E. Lechmere, Mr. J. Abel Smith, Mr. Walsh, and Mr. Whitmore, Conservatives. The result of all these changes is that the Liberals have won five seats, two at Devonport, one in Aberdeenshire, one at Bridgewater, and one at Petersfield. The Conservatives have gained three seats, viz., at Bridgenorth, Helstone, and Sandwich. There is therefore a net gain of two seats, counting four votes on a division to the Liberals. In addition to the alterations above enumerated, there have been 36 re-elections-9 on account of the formation of Earl Russell's Government, and 27 through the acceptance of office by the Earl of Derby. The seats now vacant are Carnarvonshire, Brecon, Lancaster (2), Totnes, and Reigate, the two first through the late members having been called to the Peerage, and the four others through the unseating of their late representatives.