made to better the condition of our own heathen. The
little book. before us contains interesting details on this head, tinged with a warm. sectarian hue, and, as it seems to us, a little anticipatory of, rather than chronicling; the success so dear to the heart of Mr. Arthur, and to whiclb he rendered biographical homage some years ago in the person of Mr. Budgett of Bristol. Much no doubt has been accomplished. Where fifth and open cesspools abounded pavement, drainage, and pure water are- now found, and some at least have been brought under the humanizing influence of religions teaching. This teaching is occasionally odd in its development. "You climb two steep staircases, and opening the door- at the top find yourself in the presence of fifteen or sixteen persons. A hymn having been sang, &a., the leader stands, and in a calm and natural tone delivers her own testimony." But people will do good in their own way to the end of time, and the field of these efforts is large enough to require all the energies of all the good folks, whether in the eccentric garb of the ritualist or with the slightly jarring tone of ea. evangelical Dissenter. We feel that we have no right to criticize say slight deviations from oar own standard of taste, but rather to take a humble attitnde, as in the presence of those who have the true Aposto- Heal descent.