A remarkable speech was made in the House of Lords
on Monday, Lord Kimberley taking advantage of the Bill for con- tinuing the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act to deliver his views upon the condition of Ireland. He believed that few were -aware of the extent and danger of the Fenian conspiracy, which was most active among the artisans and small tradesmen, and in -which the farmers would undoubtedly have joined. Lord Kim- berley evidently believed that nothing but the energy of the Government averted a formidable rebellion, and urged on the Peers the consideration of Irish tenure, which he declared to be " a most urgent question." Unless the land grievances were re- medied, " they would, he was convinced, be forced upon the atten- tion of Parliament." These are grave words to be spoken by a Peer to Peers, but the landlord feeling is, we fear, incurable except by offers of compensation, which will not be made until we have met and survived a catastrophe.