Ammo the few books published this week there are two rather attractive books of poems. One is the Collected Poems of Vachel Lindsay (Messrs. Macmillan), and the other Shoes of the Wind, by Hilda Conkling, the well-known American child poet (Messrs. Harrap). The Vachel Lindsay volume comes at the right moment. There could be nothing more attractive round a scouts' camp fire than a well-done reading of " The Santa Fe Trail," " Daniel," or " The Congo."
From the Walpole Society comes a most attractive volume, remarkable especially for the reproductions of an English Bible picture book of the Fourteenth Century. The picture of " Noah Sending Out the Raven and the Dove " is wonder- fully imaginative. The ark is shown as a kind of wattle enclosure, and beneath it are conventional waves in which lie quenched, men, women, cattle, and horses. " The Signs of Doomsday," too, are wonderful. One, entitled " Sea Rises : Sea Monsters Come Forth and Roar," is a beautiful and imaginative composition. The Society announce for 1924 what should be a most interesting book, and one which is certainly long overdue. It is to contain fifty reproductions, from the Duke of Devonshire's collection at Chatsworth, of The Court Masques of Inigo Jones, with an essay on " The Masque in Stuart Times " by Professor Percy Simpson, who has a specially expert knowledge of the subject. Particulars of membership of the Walpole Society can be obtained from T. Girtin, Esq., 8 Inverness Gardens, Kensington, W. 8.
Two useful reprints have appeared. One, published by Messrs. Lewis, is Messrs. Parkes and Kenwood's well-known Hygiene and Public Health, which has been thoroughly brought up to date, and the other, published by Mr. John Murray, is Professor Halliburton's Handbook of Physiology, in which many of the chapters have been entirely rewritten. The book now contains nearly six hundred illustrations.
A handbook on Switzerland has been added to the Blue Guide collection (Muirhead Guide Books, Ltd.), and there is another . book on Sir Christopher Wren, which is issued by the Architectural Press, and contains a number of remarkably good photographs of Wren's work, both interior and exterior. The letterpress is the work of several expert hands.