Nevertheless, the hardy and adventurous men who are holding that
very distant potential outpost of the Empire, though they may be sound in health, are virtually in prison. Their isolation has already lasted too long. If they have suffered from homesickness it is only reason- able to assume that their depression has become extreme. And we cannot, of course, dismiss the possibility that something may have gone wrong. There would be deep sorrow and just anger if it were found too late that the men had suffered a fate which could have.been prevented. Mr. Stefansson has spent on the Wrangell Island expedi- tion all the earnings from his books, articles and American lectures, and if his gallant men are to be relieved somebody else must bear the cost. The relief ship, which is ready to start, must be sent at once. After all, when Sir Ernest Shackleton's men were isolated on Elephant Island a ship. was sent to their rescue, though that was during the War. Mr. Griffith Brewer, the well-known aeronaut, whose address is The British Wright Co., 33 Chancery Lane, will gladly receive any donations.