Stoke Rochford, the fine Lincolnshire home of Mr. Christopher Tumor,
was put to a new and admirable use last Saturday, when a " Summer School " for ele- mentary school teachers was inaugurated. Mr. Edward Wood, President of the Board of Education, gave an introductory, address, and the school is presided over by that very inspiring teacher, Dr. Ernest Barker. Mr. Tumor's hospitable enterprise makes a very important precedent. Here, indeed, is another use for our great country houses, -provided that hosts so generous as Mr. Tumor can be found. 31r. Tumor was particularly happy in choosing elementary school teachers for his guests, for no class in the country does more important work and no class is in greater danger of falling into a state of social isolation. There could not be a worse atmosphere for a teacher than isolation. In a letter to the Times of Wednesday, Mr. Albert Mansbridge, the Chairman of the British Institution of Adult Education, which organized the Summer School for Mr. Tumor, said that the Institute would be glad to give all the necessary help and advice to any who may wish to follow Mr. Tumor's example.
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