Let us join the Prince of Wales in thanking the
French and Belgian peoples for their welcome to our Pilgrims Who have invaded the areas where British troops fought between 1914 and 1918. The British Legion and the Empire League of Service -made a great effort of organiza- tion, by which thousands passed from our ports to those across the Channel, including Lord Jellicoe, as head of the Legion, and Lady Haig, whose courage must appeal to all. Small parties paid formal representative visits to such spots as the grave of the Unknown French Soldier at the Arc de Triomphe, but thousands went straight to Ypres and the old battle line over which they strayed in large parties. What a mixture of emotions was evoked ! Pride and horror, triumph and sorrow ! Those who had not the privilege of being of the company can scarcely imagine the deeper feelings any more than the trivial recollections of details, amusing or revolting, which must have arisen in the mind of many a Pilgrim to spots with which he was so familiar ten or • fourteen years ago.
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