SIR, —I am engaged in preparing a definitive edition of the Letters of David Hume, and desire to trace : (i.) As many unpublished autograph letters as possible ; (ii.) the autographs of the letters published as Private Correspondence of David Hume with Several Distinguished Persons, in 1820, as Letters of David Hume, 1745-61, in 1841, and as Letters of David Hume to William Strahan, in 1888.
I imagine that most of the autographs used for these books, if they have not already been destroyed, arc to be found only in private collections ; and if any of your readers can give me information concerning them, or concerning any other Hume documents (apart from those in the British Museum and in the Library of the Royal Society of Edinburgh), I shall be greatly obliged. I should be much helped also by information concerning the private papers of William Robertson the historian and T)ugald Stewart the philosopher. It will be convenient if letters are addressed to me care of Messrs. George Routledge and Sons, Ltd., Broadway House, 68-74 Carter Lane, London, B.C. 4.—I am, Sir, &c.,