Answers to Italian Questions
1. Saint Francis of Assisi. 2. Dante ; in the Divine Comedy; by relegating traitors to the lowest depths of Bell.-3. The massacre of the French in Palermo in 1282.-4. Guelfs and
Ghibellines.-5. Leonardo da Vinci. 6. The district between Mincio and Po, defended by the fortresses of Peschiera, Mantua, Verona and Legnano. 7. Garibaldi, Savour, Victor Emmanuel I., Mazzini.-8. Napoleon Bonaparte. 9. The volunteers (1,150 circa) who sailed with Garibaldi from Quarto to Marsala in 1860.
—10. The Waldenses ; in Piedmont. 11. Garibaldi ; to savour ; on the latter's cession of Nice to the French in 1860.
12. The Fascists ; in October, 1922 ; under Benito Mussolini.--
13. Oubriele D'Annunzio.