Not the least striking feature of the present year, so far as it has proceeded, has been the fact that side by side with activity on the Stock Exchange there has also been great activity in the matter of capital and new loan flotations. Almost every week I have had to refer in these columns to interesting loan flotations, and the monthly statistics just published by Midland Bank Limited give some idea as to what these things come to in the aggregate. For the first seven months of this year the total of new capital issues, excluding British Government Loans, amounted to £244,436,000 as compared with only £194,588,000 for the same period in 1927 and £158,365,000 in 1926. For the first seven months in 1925 the total was still smaller, being fully £100,000,000 less than for the seven months which have just terminated. Of this year's total it is interesting to note that £33,000,000 was for foreign countries, £69,000,000 for various parts of the Empire and about £140,000,000 for activities in the United Kingdom.
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