Will ' Waspe, with charactermisplaced venom, states that, ?stead of
broadcasting Reginald tkcoldall's Ring from the Coliseum, BBC will " tape the tired old Bay
at version and broadcast it later-suspect, considerably greater He suspects wrongly. Bayreuth rPes are supplied by Bavarian Radio tree„ of charge to every radio station in c"J.°Pe and would have been broad,, 'cte4st by us anyway. There is no ' in
about it. Bayreuth is inter„!uonal Wagner at its greatest, to It'veich most European countries have el
ade a valuable contribution — our
4hdees not least with Jones, MacIntyre Harper. The Bayreuth and ColiKihgs complement rather than tide dne' another.
Naturally, I am as sorry as everyone else that negotiations for a broadcast of the entire cycle from the Coliseum have broken down; but it would, after all, have merely meant putting out in close succession the four productions that we have already broadcast at the time they were new. Julian sudden