The Berkeley affair
It's distressing to read (4 August) how flomphry Berkeley was beaten up during ins attempt to stage a pro-Nigeria coup in the Transkei. What baffles is his tone of Injured surprise. With his knowledge of Africa, he must know that what happened 1,O him at the hands of black policemen or tared thugs is a commonplace in black Africa, not least in the Nigeria he so much admires, where wholesale bribery, political Corruption, violence, coups and even genocide are virtually endemic. 4Stanford Aston 40 Chesterton Hall Crescent Carnbridge Sir: While in no way doubting the veracity Of Mr Berkeley's account of his abduction a.nd narrow escape from death, two questions arise. Why, if on his account he had freed his hands in the boot of the car in A'hich he had been flung, did he make no banging or commotion when the car stopPed at the South African border? If the l'ranskei Security Police had indeed been ordered to kill him and dump his body, as Mr Berkeley implies, why – after signally Lading to carry out that order and in fact :teeing from him after his blessing – were ,,41eY still in their old jobs (and, indeed in old car) some days later? Surely such an Obvious dereliction of duty should have met With demotion, (including the confiscation Of the notorious car), if not some more severe penalty? P,,reham Southworth cedes, Suffolk