The Emperor of Russia has been killed on the Stock
Exchange seve- ral times in the course of the week ; but we are happy to state that the divinities of the place have at length allowed him to recover. The Russian troops evacuated Adrianople on the 11th of last month, and the sway of the Sultan is Once more recognized there. The inha- bitants are stated to have been not at all unwilling to continue under the protection of the Emperor, and to have dreaded the arrival of their former Governor, the Paella of Scutari.
There is a rumour that the Emperor has compounded part of his claim to pecuniary compensation for Wallachia and Moldavia, which are now virtually lost to the Porte. There is nothing new in the aspect of Portuguese affairs, nor any thing very authentic as to the movements of MIGUEL. Dom PEDRO, by the latest accounts from Rio Janeiro, had just closed the National Assembly with a speech which we venture to recommend as a model to royal orators. " August and worthy representatives of the Brazi- lian nation, the session is closed:' This is the extent of his harangue, and it serves all the purposes which a longer one could have done : it is very explicit, yet no one can allege that the speaker commits himself.