THE MARQUIS or CriavEs.—A correspondent of the Times mentions that
this Ultra Royalist hero has, after committing numerous extrava,gancies which indi- cated sufficiently the state of his mind,/becn at length subjected to:personal restraint as a lunatic.
M. Calmon, the Chancellor of the Exchequer at Rio Janeiro, in a long expose, submitted by him to the Brazilian Parliament, seemed to intimate that funds are deposited in the Bank of England "to pay the dividends due on Portuguese Stock, when the right to the throne of Portugal shall be determined." It would appear, however, that the Minister of Don Pedro has spoken by anticipation, and that these funds, like a late conducta or convoy of silver in Mexico, have not yet found their way to the intended depot.—Morning Chronicle.
FRENCH COLONY IN Mexico—On the 27th of November, the ship America went forth from Havre with one hundred and ten passengers, men, women, and children ; they quitted France to go and found a colony in Mexico. The point to which they direct themselves is called Guazacualco, situated on the banks of a navigable river, which throws its waters into the bay of Campeachy, and about eight leagues from the little city of Toledo. It is a country yet maiden, and of the greatest fertility. Among these passengers, were found carpenters4 joiners, locksmiths, cartwnghts, bakers, butchers, tailors, apothecaries, surgeons; &c. All has been foreseenpy the society of Paris which has engaged them—Freeze/Warr.