I per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced
31 per Cents
Long Annuities
Bank r Cent India Stock, Stock, 101 pe
Exchequer Bills, 3d. per diem
India Bonds, 4* per Cent
84 shut
Prices.) Tueaday.17Vesbus
854 851 851 661 84 841 851 rla 81 187 1881 β β
4 5 26 18
Thom Pridop.
61 1881 Sotord.
(Olostag Moodily.
851 81 187 3 pm. SS dia. 651 56 84 55e 81 187 β 7 17 83/ 861 Re an 81 188 β 6 β
(Last OfSelal Quotation Austrian FOREIGN during the
Week ending Friday Evening.) Massachusetts (Sterling). -β’ 5 la Ca
Belgian Ditto 3 -- 68 --
Mex ican 5 β Michigan a β
17i Brazilian 6 β
Mississippi (Sterling) 6 β Buenos Ayres 6 β
New York (1858) ..... β.5 β
Chnian 6 β 90 Ohio 6 β
Danish a β
Pennsylvania I β
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) .β’-2i β
Ditto 4 β 55} 81/ Peruvian I - Portuguese 5 --
French a β
Ditto S -
Ditto 5 β. 116f. 75e. Russian . 6 β
Indiana (Sterling) s β
Spanish a -
Illinois 6 β
Ditto 9 -
Kentucky β β.
Ditto (Passive) 31
Louisiana (Sterling) 5 β β Ditto (Deferred)
Maryland (Sterling) 6 β β
Venezuela Active SI*
(Lest Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Brening.) RAILWAYSβ Basis-
Edinburgh and Glasgow 47 British North American
Eastern Counties 161 Colonial
Great Northern 41 Commercial of London
Great North of England 227 London and Westminster
Great Western 98 London Joint Stock 16 Hull and Selby
National of Ireland
Lancashire and Yorkshire 751 National Provincial
Lancaster and Carlisle 31) Provincial of Ireland 41* London Brighton and South Coast 431 Union of Australia
London and Blackwell 41 Union of London
London and North-western 150
Midland North British 1071 261 Bolan, Brazilian Imperial
Northern and Eastern 491 Ditto (St. John Del Rey)
South-eastern and Dover South-western 31 55 Cobra Copper Mises:Aar. coca-
York, Newcastle, and Berwick .. 331 Australian Agricultural ..
York and North Midland
General Steam
East and West India 119 Peninsular and Oriental Steam β’ 69 London 96 Royal Mail Steam
St. Katherine
South Australian
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 9th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the 4th day of December 1817. IMMO DKPARTMIINTβ’ Notes Issued
124,366,085 Government Debt 511,015,100
Other Securities 2,964.900
Gold Coin and Bullion 9,111,038
Silver BuWon 1,255,047
Proprietors' Capital Rest Public Deposits* Other Deposits Seven Day and other β’ IncladingExchequer, Β£14,553,000 3,687,004 7,799,527 8,441,289 Bills .... 885,717 Government Securities, Other Securities Notes Gold and Silver Coin
of NatIonalDebt
cluding Dead WeightArtnuity11.10,946,394
18,070,409 6,583,020 666,314 135,266.537
Savings Banks. Commissioners 4435,266,631 & Dividend Accts.
BULLION. Per os.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ... Β£3 17 9 Foreign Gold in Coin , Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 91 Silver in Bars, Standard ..........0 4 111
METALS. Per toe.
Copper, British Cakes Zee 0 0 .. 0 0 0
Iron, British Bars .... 9 0 C 0 0 0 Lead, British Pig .... 18 0 0 .. 18 6 0 Steel,Engliah 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, December 10.
M a.
IL a.
Wheat,R. New 44 to46 Rye 42 to45 Maple 42 to44 Oats, Feed . 20 toll Fine 46-60 Barley 24 β25 White.. ... 0β 0 Fine. 21-22 Old 44-46 Malting... 30 β3l Boilers ... 46-45 Poland .. 21-25 White 48-50 Malt, Ord.... 54 β56 Beans,Ticka. 34 β38 Fine . 23 β26 Fine 61-54 Fine 56-58 Old . 46,48 Potato .. 26-29 Super. New .. 54β 58 Peas,Hog 38-40 Harrow... 38 β42 Fine . 29-30 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week. Wheat 55a. 2d. Rye . 32s. 7d. Wheat Os. Od.Rye 03.0d.
ar Bley 33 2 Beans 43 5 Barley 0 0 I Beans 0 0 Oats .. .... 22 II Peas 49 3 Oats 0 0 I Peas 0 0 Weekly Averages for the Week ending December 4. Wheat, 528. Id.βBarley,30a. 8d.βOats, 22a. 541 βRye, 28.. I Id.βBeans, 41s. Od.βPeas,498.74 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 46a. to 49..
Seconds 43 β 46 Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 40 β 43 Norfolk and Stockton . 37 β 40 Bran per quarter 0 β 0 Pollard, fine 0 β 0 Bread, 61d. to ad. the 41b. loaf. PROVISIONS.
ButterβBest Fresh, 168. 6d. per dos. Carlow, al. 1 Is. to 41. 178. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 648. β 661. Cheese, Cheshire 54 β 70 Derby Plain 60 β 66
Hams, York 60 β 76
Eggs, French, per 120, 68. 3d. to 78. 6d.
Nowaire ins LZADEISHALL.β’
.. rt. a. d. a. d. Snrrnissz.D.β’ Hem: or earns AT a. d. a. d. a. d. Snrrnrumn.
Beef ..
3 10310
1044 8 2
to 4 2 to 4 10
Friday. Monday.
Mutton 3 6 β 4 β 4 8 4 2 β 4 8 β 6 4 Beasts. 1,013 3,657 Veal .. 3 4 β 4 0 β 4 8 4 4 β 4 10 β 5 4 Sheep. 3,440 24,090 Pork .. 3 10 β 4 8 β 5 0 4 0 β 4
2 Cal.
200 97' Lamb. 0 0 β 0 0
β 0 0 0 0 β 0 0-0 0 Pigs.. 350 370 β’ To sink the offal, per 8 lb.
Kent Pockets 828. to 950.
Choice ditto 95 105
Sussex Pockets 78 90
Pine ditto 0 0 POTATOES.
York Reds per ton.125a. tole's.
Scotch Reds 0 β 0 Delves 0 β 0 Kent and Essex Whites 0 β 0 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trams.) CIIMSIAILAND. SKITSSISLD. Wairsensitc-
Hay, Good 70,. to 74,. 508. to 72s. 0.. to Os,
50 β 60 0 β 0 .. 0 β 0 0 β 0 0 β 0 45 β 68 88 β 94 70 β 92 60 β 90 18 β 32 23 β 28 .... ...... 20 β 28 Inferior New...
!tape 011 per cwt. Al 17.. Od. Refined 1 18 0 Linseed Oil 1 3 6 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 0 0 0
Candles, per dozen, 6s Od. to 6s. Od.
Moulds (6. per dos discount) 78. Od.
Coals, Helton 2b. Od.
Tees 21, Od. GROCERIES.
Tea. Bohn, fine, ....per lb 06.14 to Os. 411.,
001410U, One 1 3 β 1 6 Souchong, fine 1 8 β 3 4 β’ In BondβDuty 2a. Id. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 70a. to 1240.04 Good Ordinary 40a. to 444 Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt... 225.61d. West India Molasses ....150. Od. to