eit'the 25tti Noveleber, at Dover, the Widow of Brevet Major Henry Griffith, of the Eleventh Madras Native Infantry, (who fell at the capture of Rangoon, on the 12th April last,) of a daughter.
On the 29th, at the Rectory, Romaldkirk, in the North Riding, the Wife of the
RAM Henry Cleveland, of a son. On the 1st, at Sledmore, the Hon. Mrs. Cholmondeley, of a son.
On the 2d, at Spa, Belgium, the Lady Elizabeth Osborne, of a daughter.
On the 3d, at Torquay, the Wife of Sir Paul Hunter, Bart., of a daughter.
On the 3d, at the Nash, near Worcester, the Wife of Richard Temple, Esq., of a
On the 3d, in Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park Gardens, the 'Wife of Sims Reeves, Esq., of a daughter, which survived its birth only three days. On the 4th, at the Goldrood, near Ipswich, the Wife of Captain Laeon, R.N., of
On the 4th, at Balbirnie, N.B., the Lady Georgians Balfour, of a son. On the 7th, at Melton Mowbray, the Hon. Mrs. Coventry, of a son. On the 8th, at Suramerhill, Kidderminster, the Hon. Mrs. Claughten, of a daughter.
On the 2d December, at Leominster, the Rev. Vernon George Guise, Rector of Longhope, Gloucestershire, fourth son of 'General Sir John Guise, Bart., K.C.B.,&c.. of Rendcomb Park, in the same county, to Mary Harriet, youngest daughter of 3obekt Lane, Esq., of the Ryelands. Herefordshire.
On the 2d, at Niton, Isle of Wight, Alexander Mitchell Innes, Esq., eldest son of William Mitchell lanes, Esq., of Ayton Castle, Berwickshire, to Fanny Augusta, yottagest•claughter of the late James Vine, Esq., of Puckaster, Isle of Wight. On the 4th, at St. James's, Paddington, Robert Peel Floyd, Esq., third son of Major-General Sir Henry Floyd, Bart., to Mary Jane, only daughter of Henry Carew, Eatt.. of Ayshford, Sidmouth.
On the 7th, at Earleston, Northampton, Cecil William Forester, Lieutenant- Colonel Fifty-second Regiment, second son of the late Rev. P. Townsend Forester, D.D„" to Henrietta Maria,. third daughter of the late Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopiord, and widow (dale late Lord Henry Russell. °tithe 8th, at St. Peter's•Chureh, Eaton Square, John Henry Wyndham King, only son of John King, Esq., of Grosvenor Place, and Coates House, Sussex, to Emily Mary, youngest daughter of Lady Elizabeth Dawson and the late Hon. Lionel Daw-
e on.
On the 8th, at Coolhurst, Sussex, Henry George Liddell, Esq., M.P., eldest son-of the Hon. Henry Liddell, of Ellington House, Northumberland, to Mary Diana, only child of the late Orlando Gunning Sutton, Esq.
On the 9th, at St. James's Church, Westminster, Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. Alexander Gordon, second son of the Right Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen, to Caroline Emilia' Mary, eldest daughter of Sir .1. F. W. Herschel, Bart.
On'the 2d December, in Great Prescott Street,: Esther, relict of the late Jacob Dias Fernandes ; in her 90th year.
On the 2d, Mr. Thomas Cook, youngest brother of Mr. Samuel Cook, builder, of Manor Place, Walworth, accidentally killed by falling from the roof of a house. On the 2d, at Astley Hall, Lancashire, Dame Susanna Hoghton, relict of the late Sir Henry Philip Hoghton, Batt., of Hoghton ; in her 91st year.
On the 4th, at this brother's residence, Chepstow Villas West, Bayswater, John Watson Hodge, Esq., of the Stock Exchange ; in his 52d year.
On the 6th, at Brighton, the Hon. Mrs. Peregrine Gust.
On. the 6th, at Floors Castle, Benjamin Charlewood, Esq., late Lieutenant-Colonel in her Majesty's Grenadier Guards; in his 77th year.