Tuesday, December 7.
PARTNEEsDIPS DissoLys:D.-Stevens and Co. St. Hilary, Cornwall, dealers in tin ores ; as far as regards M. Hancock-Banks and Co. Westleigh, Lancashire, coal- masters ; • as far as regards J. Gregory-Banks and Gregory, Westleigh, Lancashire, coal-masters-Kelly and Co. Upper Thames Street, coal-merchants-Hodgsons and Actin, Halifax, bobbin-makers-taut and Co. Birmingham, confectionary-Bardsley and Sons; Ashton-under-Lyne, brush-makers--W. and F. Cross, Baum.- boot-makers -May and Bidwell, 'Exeter, ehare-brokers-Choake and Co. Modbnry, Devon/1111re, tanners ; as far as regards D. G. Tiddy-Pearson and Holdsworths, Valley Mill. Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturers-Jennings and Son, Goswell Street, carvers-Curties and Moynihan, York Street, Westminster, cheesemongers-Collinge and Sons, Roch- dale, cotton-spinners-Simpson and Brooks, Mill Hill Works, Old Ford, agricultural chemists-Soutter and Parsons, East Street, Walworth, curriers-Dade and Co. Brad- ford. Yorkshire. stuff-merchants-Reynolds and Co. Bristol, tobacco-pipe-manufac- turers-Stoneham and Mortimore, Ashton-under-Lyne, elastic waterproof-paper- manufacturers-Smith and Co. Burnley, boiler-makers; as far as regards L. Clayton --J. and T. Gartside, Ashton-under-Lyne, brewers-Fitzpatrick and Co. Liverpool, manufacturers of flour of brimstone-Mann and Son, Arbroath, merchants-Glasgow and Liverpool Shipping Company ; as far as regards A. 1.1‘Nair„ A. Galbraith, C. EPGregor, J. Reid, and A. Drysdale. Beiroanpra.-Joni IticHARIMON OATES, Finch Lane, Cornhill, tailor, to snr- render Dec. 15, Jan. 22 : solicitor, Colley, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Pennell, GDildhall Chainbers-WiLmem Helvosmr SUREIDOE, known as WILLIAM Suaarnoz, Harrow Road, horse-dealer. Dec. 17, Jan. 22 : solicitor, Jones, Quality Court; offi- cial assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers - Roam= GREAR, Bradley Terrace, Wandsworth Road, wax-chandler, Dec. 17, Jan. 21 : solicitors, Rogerson and Ford, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Davin Strnma- Leon, Preston, seed-merchant, Dec. 20, Jan. 12: solicitors, Willmott, London; Andrew, Manchester; official assignee. Fraser, Manchester - WILLLeat BACON, Brentwood, grocer, Dec. 17, Jan. 25 : solicitor, Rawlings, Furnival's Inn, and Rom- ford, Essex ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Rim:eon BELL and GEORGE CAMPBELL, Liverpool, merchants, Dec. 20, Jan. 11: solicitors, Anderson and Collins, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool.
Divumwns.-Dec. 29, Bradley, Mark Lane, corn-factor-Dec. 29, Hill, Rotherbithe, engineer-Dec. 29, Hills. Isle of Dogs, oil of vitriol manufacturer-Dec. 29, Rutty, Gerrard Street, Soho, draper-Jan. 4, Buckle, Pall Mall, master-mariner-Dec. 28, Atkinson, Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire, tanner-Dec. 28, Hall, Manchester, packer -Dec. 28, Fray, Wigan and Manchester, check-manufacturer-Dec. 28, Cooper, Liverpool, butcher-Dec. 29, Perritt, Hull, money-scrivener.
CERTIFICATE:1.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Dec. 29, Freeman, Southampton Street, Camberwell, dealer in colonial produce-Jan. 12, Beeves and Co. Taunton, scriveners. DzewiLizzoris OF Drvinzons.-liretzshmar, King Square, manufacturing jeweller ; first div. of 3s. 9d. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Rutland, Falcon Square, straw-bonnet-manufacturer; first div. of Is. 50. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall StreetHeilbronn and Harrison, Great St. Helen's, drysalters • second div. of 7s. 8d. and a dividend on the separate estate of J. Harrison, any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Goldsmith, Benhill, Suf- folk, corn-merchant ; final div. of Is. 10d. Dec. 9, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall StreetEdwards, Allington, Dorsetshire, sack-manufacturer ; further div. of 44d. any Tuesday or Friday after Dec. 17; Bernaman, Exeter-Mat- thews, Yeovil, druggist ; first and final thy. of la. 04d. any Tuesday or Friday after Dec. 17; Hernaman, Exeter-Rotten, Penzance, watch-maker ; first div. of 4s. 9d. any Tuesday. or Friday atter. Dec. 17; Hernaman, Exeter-Russell, Birmingham, merchant ; eighth div. of 116d. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Pryde and Co. Liverpool, sail-makers ; first div. of Ia. 9d. on Wednesday, Dec. 15, or any sub- sequent Wednesday; Morgan, LiverpooL
Scores Smatritoraexmo.--Hislop, Leith, timber-merchant, Dec.9, 30.
Friday, December 10,
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Williams and Co. Chester, tobacconists; as far as regards R. Jones--C. and J. Warr, Felix Place, Islington, builders-E. and R. Blythen, Holt, Denbighshire, farmers-Sang and Co. London-Derbyshire and Co. Radcliffe. Lancashire. brick-makers ; as far as regards T. Darbyshire-.-Walkdens and Derbyshire, Openshaw, Lancashire, brick-makers ; as far as regards T. Derbyshire- P. and P. Catterall, Preston, attornies-Turner and Phillips, Upper Carlisle Street, Portman Market, laundrymen-Craig and Faull, Cardiff, clothiers-M. A. and E. Shannon, Liverpool, milliners-Newton and Woodrow, Norwich, land-agents ; as far as regards E. J. Newton-Hallam and Son, Skipton, worsted-spinners-Prior and Atkinson, Wood Street, Cheapside, warehousemen-Parry and Co. Leadenhall Street, booksellers-J. T. and A. May, North Street, Poplar, statuaries-Braith- waite and Jones, Cockapux Street, goldsmiths-Newbold and Co. Bury, iron- founders-Evans and Matthews, Birmingham, silk-mercers-Bown and SOD, Lea- mington Priors, jewellers-Mollady and Co. Warwick, hat-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Mollady.
BANBRIIPTS.-HENRY STACM, Croydon, grocer, to surrender Dec. 21, Jan. 25 : soli- citors, Russell and Burgon, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-CHARLES RHODES, Terrace, Kensington, milliner, Dec. 22, Jan. 25 : solicitors, Holmes, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; Clarke, Reading; official as- -sip:Lee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Wnr rex Joon Bownow, Ware, apothecary, Dec. 20, Jan. 20: solicitor, Hall, Brunswick Row, Queen's Square ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street B Wumum Tomorrow, Battersea, carpenter, Dec. 16, Jan. 20: solicitor, Jones, Quality Court; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Taomes BARNSHAW, Brunswick Street, Poplar, retailer of beer, Dec. 20, Jan. 20 : solicitors, Perry and Hawks, Three Crown Square, Southwark ; official as- signee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-JAMES GILL, Calvert's Buildings, South- wark, hop-factor, Dec. 16, Jan. 24: soliciters, Gregson and Son, Angel Court, Throg- morton Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-ALEXANDER BAIN, Old Bond Street, electric-clock-maker, Dec. 15, Jan. 21: solicitors, Desborough and Co. Sire Lane ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Jonx GOULDIN, Outwell, Norfolk, potato-dealer, December 20, Jan. 21: solicitors, Hensman, College Hill ; (Ward, Doyen, Cambridgeshire; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street -Damao Prwranem, Salisbury Street, Strand, lithographic artist, Dec. 23, Jan. 25 : solicitor, Rushbury, Surrey Street, Strand ; official assignee, Groom, Abcburch Lane-ROBERT HAMILTON MURRAY' Alfred Place, Camden Road, baker, Dec. 23, Jan. 21: solicitors, Hillearys, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-Erna-con and EDMOND Faarreis EiveLnio, Bath, auctioneers, Dec. 24, Jan. 24: solicitors, Crutwell, Bath ; Bevan, Bristol ; official assignee, Acmman, Bristol- DAVID WILLIAMS, Dowlaise, Glamorganshire, grocer, Dec. 23, Jan. 26: solicitor, Be- van, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-JOHN CRIDLLND, Sidmouth, grocer, Dec. 21, Jan. 13: solicitors, Coleridge and Son, Ottery St. Mary ; Terrell, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Towles SPEED, sen. Liverpool, butcher, Dec. 23, Jan. 14: solicitor, Greatley, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-Jemirs Konon, Altrincham, Cheshire, builder, Dee. 20, Jan. 17 : solicitors, Nichols and Worthing- ton, Altrincham; Strike, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester-Jeams Naas, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer, Dec.17, Jan. 28 : solicitors, Watson, Newcastle- woaint-eTyynv,Schia:Id and Harwood, , Clement's Lane, Lombard Street; official assignee,
Divmasens.-Jan. 25, (and not Dec. 17, as advertised in last Tuesday's Gazette,) Tuffield, Hoxton Old Town, tallow-chandler-Jan. 6, Fuller, Cambridge, innkeeper -Jan. 6, Carruthers, Manchester, distiller-Jan. 7, Provost, Peterborough, linen- draper-Jan. 7, Bloxom, Abingdon Street, merchant-Jan. 4, Hindley, Liverpool, coal-merchant-Jan. 12, Smith, Eccleshall, Staffordshire, currier.
CERTIFICATES.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of tneeting.-Jan. 7, Summers, Tabernacle Walk, printer-Jan. 7, Tamsett, Woolwich, builder-Jan. 7, Greenfield, Brighton, chemist-Jan. 7, E. and H. G. Winstanley, Poultry, chemists-Jan. 7, Silby, Poole, timber-merchant-Jan. 4, Marriott, Oxforil Street, draper-Jan. 4, Westley, Greenwich, boot-maker-Jan. 4, Forshaw, Birken- head, master-mariner-Jan. 12, Cross, Birmingham, surgeon-Jan. 12, Marlow, Wal- sall, iron-founder-Jan. 12, James, Rushall, Staffordshire, miller-Jan. 10, Roberts, Hunslet. Leeds, bottle-maker.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Geary, St. James's Street, stay-maker; first div. of Is. 5d. Dec.11, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court- Beecham, Hawkhurst, Kent. banker ; first div. of 2s. ld. Dec. 20, and three subse- quent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Lee, Heath, Wakefield, merchant ; first (on new proofs) and second div. of 10a. and 38. .?cd. on any Monday or Tuesday, on or after Dec. 13; Hope, Leeds-Hodgson and Co. Halifax, spint-merchants ; first di,. of 6s. on any day ; Young, Leeds-James, Leeds, ironmonger ; first div. of 28. on any day; Young, Leeds-Barr and Syketi, Huddersfield, yarn-spinners ; first div. of 2a. 10d. also a first div. of Is. on the separate estate of R. Barr, Glasgow, any day; Young, Leeds-Davis, Abergele, Denbighshire, grocer; first div. of 4s. Dec. 15, or any subsequent Wednesday; Turner, Liverpool-Hornby, Kirkdale, joiner ; first div. of 4a. 64. Dec. 15, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool-Jones, Liverpool, draper; div. of 8d. Dec. 15, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Turner, Li- verpool-Crosthwaite, Liverpool, merchant; second div. of 8d. and 2s. 8d. on new proofs, Dec. 15, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool-Reid, Newcas- tle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker ; second div. of id. (in addition to Is. 6d. previously de- dared), on any Saturday ; Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Semen Szemzszaerzoirs.-Cuthbertson, Pollockshaws, surgeon, Dec. 16, Jan. la -M.Laren, •Blairgowrie, Perthshire, draper, Dec. 13, Jan. 3-Sharp, Jedburgh, brewer, Dec. 13, Jan. 5-1I. L. P. and F. G. Donovan, Leith, commission-merchants, Dec. 14, Jan. 4.