SIR,—Will you kindly allow me to correct an error—a very natural one, by the way—into which your reviewer has fallen in his notice of Ridiculous Rhymes?
The illustrations, which now appear in a new form, were made by me in the summer of 18615, and were published in the following Christmas in two shilling books called Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs. They appeared, therefore, three years before Mr. Rogers' Ridicules Rediviva, so that I think I may claim exemption from the charge of being a " follower " of that gentleman. Indeed, I have a copy of Ridicules Rediviva, presented by the author, and accompanied by a courteous letter, in which he acknowledges that his work was suggested by my Nursery Rhymes and Songs.
I may add, that a title so suggestive of plagiarism as Ridiculous Rhymes was not of my choosing ; the first intimation that I had of the republication of my designs was through seeing the advertise- ments in the daily journals.—I am, Sir, &c., H. STACY MARKS.
[We have received a correction to the same effect from Mr. Rogers himself.—En. Spectator.]