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The Finsbury Reform Club have resolved to give a public dinner tO the Representatives of Finsbury, some day next month.
Mr, B. Halle Metnbet for the MonmonSissbiee ,Boraughs, °bate rev ceiveil a numerously-signed requisition from the. electiors sef3Itteylebone to become a candidatefor their boroughat the net election. We have not beard that either Sic Samuel Whalley or Mr. Henry Bulwer intend to retire voluntarily; but, in case of a vacancy. the Reformers would do exceedingly well to return Mr.. Hall. No map can bes mote relied upon as an independent: and vigilant Representative of a thoroughly Liberal constituency.
General Evans has addressed a long, letter, dated the 30th January, to his constitutents, soliciting their further indulgence, and expressing a hope that the same reasons which formerly obtained for him leave of absence from his Parliamentary duties will justify his absence now, when the final triumph of the Queen's cause is within view. General Evans enters at considerable length into the affairs of Spain. Hs professes to have no doubt of the speedy success of the Queen's.cause, especially when he receives the reinforcements he expects, and active operations are recommenced. He says that upwards of forty English- men, who have been picked up by the Carlists, have been shot, under the Durango decree ; brit General Evans doesanot advise reprisals.
The Working Men's Association has presented an ad&ess to Mr. Roebuck, expressing thanks for and strong approbation of his speech in defence of the rights of the Democracy, on the first night of the session. Mr. Roebuck, in his reply, dwelt upon the difficulties which a sincere Mend of the People had to encounter in Parliament, and pledged himself to constant exertion in the good cause.