At a meeting of the Common Council, on Thursday, several
peti- tions were presented aeniust the introduction of the new Poor-lew into the City of London. They were laid on the table, and the consideration of the subject postponed, until a Special General Court shall be assem- bled by the Lord Mayor for that purpose.
Mr. Charles Gore, Lord John Russell's Private Secretary, has re- plied to a note from Mr. Jones, Vestry Clerk of St. Stephen's, re- retesting an interview with Lord John on the subject of the introduc- tion of the new Poor-law into London—that his Lordship is too much occupied with public business to appoint any day for the proposed con- sultation ; but he at the same time promises consideration of the subject.
The Reverend Pr. Fellowes as just placed in the hands of Mr. Tooke, the Treasurer of the London University College, the sum of 500/ in trust, to amply the interest in the presentation of two gold medals annually, of that - value, to be designated " Medico.olinical Medals," to the two medical students who shall offer the best reports and observations on the medical cases in the North London Hospital. The candidates for such prizes to have been during two years students of University College and have attended one course at least of all the lectures in the medicalcurriculum ; and such rnedals to be awarded by Dr. Elliotson, so long as he shall continue physician to the North London Hospital.
The committee for erecting the statue to the Duke of Wellington have unanimously decided that it shall be placed opposite the Mansion- house.
During the last month, ten persons on hoard the Dreadnought Hos- pital-ship, off Greenwich. have died daily: and the ship is SO full that some of the patients will, it is expected, be obliged to be placed on deck.