11 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 12


I- . -.Gable meetings were held throughout the country on Sunday Laa, saant to the resolutions of the Association. Those parishes aZa' h "'10 not already met are to assemble on Sunday next. It is zraa': i.a.aortant that every parish should join in the national movement a: .e:sis.—Dablin Register. '1 • iThrl of Lelfast and Mr. James Grattan have signed the prie- r: 1`.,:t the Downshire Cabal meeting in Dublin.

eel,. Sharman Crawford and his constituents have made up their The electors of Dundalk, at a public meeting on Tuesday, their full confidence in their Representative, and requested

hi:vithdraw his resignation. Mr. Crawford acceded, and • iL for any offensive expression in his letter. Lad-Lieutenant has struck off the list of the Iiie;;'e Comity DA: L.4i ti,-;tes, Mr. Charles Minchin, who misconclucted himself grossly ra tic iaquest on the body of Fogarty who was shut by Rebellion iljln a'. the Dunkerrin tithe affray. Tie Earl of Doneughmore has caught the influenza, and now lies rculy ill at Kneekliefty.— 7'ipperary Free Press.