trbit Eattittrv.
The Evesham electors have returned the Tory, Mr. Rushout Bowles, by a majority of 165 to 140, over the Liberal and Ballot-pledged Lord /Marcus Hill. A cone:pm:dent has supplied us with some curious particulars of this contest; for the details of which we cannot possibly make room this week. It appears that 38 electors did not vote; that of these, 23 promised not to vote against Lord Marcus Hill, and were true to their word; but four others, who also made the seme promise, voted for Mr. Bowles ; that two disqualified voters also polled for Mr. Bowles and that ten more would have supported Lord Marcus Hill could thick votes haie turned the election, but were not called upon. Lord Northwiek has the chief influence in this borough, and Mr. Rushout Bowles is his relative. It is expected that Lord Marcus Hill will be returned with Mr. Bowles at the next election ; Peter Borthwick being too bad even for Evesham—we shall see whether he will be too poor for Eveshum.
The retirement of Lord Stormont from the representation of Nor- 'wich being certain, several candidates are talked of to succeed him; among them are Mr. Hudson Gurney, Mr. Windburn, Mr. F. 0. Martin, Mr. Bignold, and the Marquis of Douro. Here is choice ! Who Ire the heaviest purse of all these gentlemen? We would bet on him for Norwich.
Since the last election, the nuniber of householders on the Liverpool registry has been increased by 1487, and the number of freemen de- creased by 580. This looks well for Mr. Ewart. By the way, Lord Harreasty, who has been very ill, is now pretty well again : so that " Sandon's seat" is still an Object to him.
Mr. David Morris, late banker at Carmarthen will come forward oa the Radical interest at the mxt election for Carmarthen and Varnliy.
Th.:: Buckinghamshire election will take place next Alonday, at bary. We suppose that the Chandus candidate, Mr. Harcourt, wIP -s1,1k the course.
At a '.ell-attended meeting of the members of the Newcastle Re- km ui A ,:soc'ertion on the 5th instant, it was carried without a dissen-
tiea: " that H. G. Ward, Esq., M. P., is a fit and proper person te , the unanimous support of the Reformers of Newcastle ;" and bat William Ord, Esq. M. P., from his conduct in Parliament is a
Fe; proper person to receive the unanimous support of this consti- rl:a. y,"---T-..Nc Mercury.
Leke.4ershire Mercury contains a long account of the exurnimma-
t:oi Burbidge, the Ex-Town-Clerk of Leicester, before the Cotmail of that place, rdative to his claim for compensation for
office. If this report be correct, Burbidge is the most im. ef attornies ; lie seems to glory in what most men would be 04% The old Leices.ter Corporation was indeed a precious Tle