11 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 12


Soma species of influenza seems to have infected not merely actors and audiences, but managers : an epidemic dulness reigns in the theatrical world. We never remember the theatres more destitute or attraction than they have been these two or three weeks p:t9t. Alanaprs are bard put to it to furnish the necessary quota of entert:anna.nts; and the ap- proach of Lent, taking away two play nights out of every week, must be hailed as a weleonai variety. Haw long this theory tune will last, who knows ? As yet, the miserable attempts at rovelty only tiara- vate the thilnesa Cot-eat Garden holds out a rusblight to cheer the gloom. A Mr. Basil:1.1N is antiOlitteed to appear as Hamlet on Monday, on the streni4th of an American reputation. The entertainments this week kve consisted of a dingy revival of /vanhoe, and FrrzuaLt.'s ludicrous version of Vicroa II coo's monstrosity Quash/mato, with T. P. Comte in Ulach-Eyed Susan, and The Pitt, for the benefit of the half- price vi,iters. FORREST has been playing Viryinius and Macbeth ; and, to aid his attraction, The jimmtain Sglph has been performed et lialf.price. Fon- REST is adverthed Brutes on 'Monday, and he is aho announced to app_ear as Richard the Third shortly. miderlining of BARNLTT'S new opera of Fair Rolanunal is the foot str,a1; of the daw», heralding the rising SUTI of the Drury Lane hemisphere. Miss Romer is to be the heroine ; and it iss SII1RREFF threw tie her part of the Queen in consequence, though the latter wire of nearly etteal importance in a musical point of view. Miss Sum- as:re aay repent her foolish jealousy ; though if, as is rumoured, Miss Beta s is to be her substitute, the audience will regret it too. Mrs. WC,) 1.1 is now one of the stars of this vocal constellation ; but she is tiot bkely to be more free from the common failing than Miss Sum- neer : besides, her engagement is too recent, if the opera is to appear next week, as is promised. At the .Adelphi, Jim Crow has been made the hero of in farcical hinletta, called The Peacock and the Crow, got up as ii vehicle for Mr. It ice's Nigger drolleries: these alone saved it from the fate it merited. Its ambeiudemes are too stupid to amuse even in the The St. .laiets's witnesses the weekly resuscitation of time mutilated carcass of some old opera ; the last one being 7'/re Castle if Andalusia, with LEFFLER to sing " The wolf," &c. The chief inducement to visit this theatre has been Fra Diuvolu sit hail', price. 'f he Olympic fills nightly. with the entertainments of last week, and the addition of that amusing Inirletta The Two Queens, in which LISTON is Ina eliticently droll as Magnus Lab. SHERIDAN °KNOWLES has been perfor miring the leading characters in his own plays at the Qtaan's. YATES, it bus provided amusements at the Adelphi for the holyday evenings of Lent. They consist of his " Views of Himself and Others," Mrs. FITZWILLTAM'S Monopolologue :of "Widow Wig- gins," songs by Joux REEVE and JIM Ceow, and the evolutions of the Arabs. There are no Oratorios; but BRAHAM and his company furnish a vocal entertainment at the St. James's and Mr. ADAMS, uith his Transparent Orrery, illustrates a lecture on Astronomy at the King's Theatre—which is soon to be tilled more gayly.