11 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 14


Arrived—At Gravesend, Feb. 6, William !tetras, Norrie, from Mauritius ; and Mar caret, Tayler, from ilw Cape ; 7th. N'augnard, Walker, front Singarre; 911., Asia, Biddle; from Bengal ; Cognac Paeket. Wallace, from al:lathiest and Lynher. Kerse. well, from the Cape. Off Falmouth, 70, Ketsewell, Haswell, from Maaritins. At Liverpool. 5th, St. George, Crawford, front emit i us ; 6th., Manchuria, Denali'. from Bengal; 7th, Ellen, Teoninn, flora Pontiac ; Silt, Saguenay, Stewart, and HI, 'Frio, White, frau, Manilla. At St. Helena. Ilmitierstield, Ilan. from Bombay; At Bombay, Sept. 2StIt, Orleans Camemn ; and Princess C harlot le, NI•Kcan, front Liverpool; 30th

Royal George, —, from London; and Oct. 2211, Duchess Clarettee. freln Liverpool. At Bengal. Oct. lit, A rab. Sparkes. front London : 4th, Jean, G oldie, from ditto; and Allerton, Emits. fr(1111 11V:11100 ; Gull, W illig111. 'llamas, front ditto; Rrol atii, Sy-m. 'wiry, Kiley, from London. At China, II yt he, Dray nor ; Ingleboontgb, Il iekett ; 1.10)- 1:rant, Jeffries ; Castle II c.utley, Jolly ; Prince It egent , Bites ; V ietory, Ii blen ; Mal. colin, Eyles ; Alex. Ilariog, St. Croix ; K ehIiu Castle, Pattillo ; and I it,lis,

ftom London ; Jutuna, Robinson; Alexander, Penuington ; James Ilatthewson, Mil. ward ; and John (fliautit, Robertson, from Livecpaol ; and Orestes, tillettler, from Hestia.

sailed—From Gravesend. Feb, 8t1t, Ann, Griffiths, for Bombay. From Liverpool, Stli, Lady East, Emery ; and Blake, Thompson, for ditto; and Emily, Kelly, hot Bombay.