The Operas of Moia RI, we are told by those
who wish to give the tone to the public taste, are old-fashioned and unattractive. The best reply to this was, the crowd that flocked to the performance of Le „Maze di Figaro, at the Lyceum to-night. The pit-door was besieged tin hour before the theatre opened, and every corner of the house was Elled,—a solitary instance during the season of the Opera Batt. The Music was evidently lit'w to the singers: they were all, with the excep- tion of BLASIS, imperfect and ill at ease in their parts. But there was rico attempt at improving Nloaalt.r. They let him tell his own tale, as far as they were able, without any additions. BLAS1S was the Susanne : she sang charmingly, and acted with congenial spirit. GIANNONI seemed to feel the exquiaite beauty and tenderness of 310aallr's melodies ; and her singing " Porgi amor," especially, was exquisitely beautiful. Miss IVVatottaat's Cherubim) was altogether a failure. The lateness of the hour—just upon twelve—cuts short any further remark ; but we may return to the subject next week, as there are to be two more " last nights," when Figaro will be repeated. The managers have found out, at the very close of the season, that our ad- vice, to bring out this opera at an earlier period of it, was founded on a just estimate of its attractive power.