Mr. J. R. M'Cullocb, the eminent political economist, was elected
a Foreign Associate of the Institute of France, in the department of the Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, on the 21st January, in the room of M. Simonde de Sismondi, deceased. Out of 18 votes, Mr. M'Culloch obtained 16; M. Hugo, 1; and M. Ranke, the historian of the Popes, 1. A Royal ordinance confirmed the election. The Foreign Associates of the Institute are five; two being on the Continent, and three in this country—Brougham, Hallam, and now M'Culloch. The honour is the greater, in that Mr. M'Culloch, although a correspondent of the Institute, is quite unknown to the members who have given him their votes, except by his writings.