The packet-ship South America brings advices from New York to
the 20th January ; but little news. The House of Representatives had passed a bill for the unconditional repeal of the Bankrupt-law.
The New Orleans Bee of the 4th says that New Orleans was thrown into a state of consternation on the 3d, by the report that an attempt bad been made to assassinate Mr. Henry Clay, who was on a visit to that city. He was leaving the Supreme Court with a friend, when a man exclaimed, "Salute to Henry Clay," and discharged a pistol above his head ; the ball lodging in the ceiling. The man, who was put in prison, proved to be one Dreyfous, who was disordered in his intellects.
The accounts from Quebec are to the 12th, and Montreal to the 14th of January. They state that the health of Sir Charles Begot bad so much improved as to render further bulletins unnecessary ; but other accounts are of an opposite kind, and say that Sir Charles's condition is "un- satisfactory."