11 FEBRUARY 1843, Page 20



On the 27th January, at Brighton, the Hon. Mrs. Bovex, of a daughter.

On the 30th, at Cowes. the Lady of WILLIAM STUART DAY, Esq., of a sou. On the ad February. in Portman Square, the Lady of Joss 13ARNEBY, Esq.. M.P.,

of a sou.

On the 24, the Lady of the Rev. THOMAS BOODLE, M.A., Incumbent of St. Andrew-

the-Less, Cambridge, of a sail.

On the 3d, at Hertford. the Lady of Captain A. ROBERTSON, of a daughter. still-born. On the 4th. in Urper Harley Street, the Lady ACINETA BEVAN. of a daughter. On the 4th, at Eataleigh Lodge, Warmiuster, the Lady of Sir FRANCIS Armee. Bart.,

of a son.

Os the 4th, in Upper Harley Street, the Lady of the Rev. A. DOUGLAS, ofa son. On the 4th, at the Rectory, Liv ermere, Suffolk, the Wife of the Rev. ASOILL COL- VILE, of a son and daughter.

On the5th. at Denbury Parsonage. Devon, the Wife of the Rev. J. R. BOGUE, of aeon,

On the 6th, at Peckham. the Lady of Dr. Hem.. of twin daughters.

Os the 61b, in Baker Street, Portman Square. the Lady of Major DALTON, of the

Royal Artillery, of a daughter.

On the 7th. in Wimpole Street. the Lady of GORDON W. GyLL. Esq., of a daughter. On the 7th, at 26. Great George Street. the Lady of the Hun. II. MANNERS Strrrow,

M.P.. of a sou.

On the 7th. at Shabden Park. Surrey, Lady BUCHAN HEPBURN. of a daughter.

On the Kb, in Eaton Place, the Hon. Mrs. CLizerole. of a daughter.


Oa the 16th December, at St. Peter's Church, Antigua. GEORGE FENTON Amaze Bouoiley, Esq., Captain in her Majesty's Fifty-ninth Regiment, third son of the late Sir John Fentou Boughey. Bart., of Aqualate Hall. to MATILDA ELWIN. fourth daughter of the Hon. Geolos We/erratum. Orrexy. of Parry's. in the island of Antigua. On the 31st January, at the Manse of Fortingal. Dawn CAMPBELL, Esq.. late of her Majesty's Ninety-first Regiment, to ASIELIA, daughter of the late JOSEPFI STEWART MENZIES, Esq.. of Fuss. On the 21 February, at Brighton. J. W. PEASE, Esq.. eldest eon of Jos. R. Pease, Esq.. of Hesslewood. near Hull, to BARBARA CATHERINE, eldest daughter of the Rev. HENRY PALMER, of Witheote Hall, Leicestershire.

On the 2d. at St. George's Church. Hanover Square, THOMAS FREDERICK NicoLey, Esq.. of the First Madras European Regiment, to Aux SOPHIA, eldest daughter of the late WILLIAM HICKEY. Esq., of Calcutta. On the 24 at Hove Church, Brightou. HENRY JOSEPH Storm. Esq.. Barrister-at-law, second son of the late Joseph Smith. Esq.. of Shortgrote Hall, Essex, to Lrrixze, youngest daughter of CHARLES SHILLITO. M.D. On the 6th. at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, Captain BERTRAM CHARLES Mn-roan, Eleventh Regiment, III MARY JANE. eldest daughter of Lieutenaut-Colouel Rice Jousts, K.H., Royal Engineers. On the 7th, at St. James's Church. HENRY Bova-roe, Esq., eldest son of Sir Henry Boynton, Bart., of Burton Agnes, York, to HARRIETT, second daughter of THOMAS LIGHTF001, Req.. of Old Burlington Street. On the 7th, at Droxfurd. Hants. the Rev. N. kinnertersa, A.B.. to Louise, second danghter of the late Vice.Admiral Sir EDWARD GRIFFITH COLPOYS. K.C.B. On the 8th, at Morningthorpe. Fleetly KETT Tomesoar Esq.. of Great Witchingham, to MARGARET AM m.o.. second daughter of Rear-Admiral the Hou. F. PAUL IRBY.

At SL David's Church. Exeter, JOHN GEORGE Hammy, Esq., of the Ninety-first Argyleshire Regiment, eldest son of Francis Bey non Becket. Eaq.„ of Moor Hall, Warwickshile, firc.. to Sow? HOMY, youngest daughter of the late HENRY DISNEY ROEBUCK, Esq , of Dawlish, and formerly of Ingress Park, Kent.


On the 14th January, drowned, by the wreck of the Conqueror off Boulogne. Jeer, Wife of JoHN JENKINS, Esq.. of Calcutta. and three of their children; also the infant son of their brother in-law. J. W. H. Unmet. Esq., of Calcutta.

On the 29th, at Winson House. near Birmingham, ELIZABETH, Wife of R. PLAYFAIR, Esq., lute of D,a-set Square, London. On the 31st. at Oxford Terrace, the Dowager Viscountess KIRKWALL ; in tier 63d year. On the 31st, at his residence, the Mute, Pembrokeshire, Wri.Liaw Hewer Scone FIELD. Esq., formerly M.P. for the town and county of Haverfordwest ; in his 67th year. On the 31st, the 11.011. THOMAS ORDE POWLETT.

On the 1st February, at the Royal Terrace. Edinburgh, GEORGE BOYD, Esq. On the 1st, at Dundee, GVBRIHL MILLER, Esq., Writer. On the 24. at Bishop's Court, Devon, FRANCES FOSTER, Wife of Jon e Gamer:, Esq.; iu her 47th year. On the 2d. the Rev. THOMAS SNELL, Rector of Windleham-cum-Bagshot.

On the 24, at the resideuee of her sister, Mrs. Holt, Hill Street, Peckham, Miss MARIA ELLISON Warr; in her 65th year.

On the 3d. at her house iu Upper Brook Street. Lady Mentos WYNYARD, Widow of the late General HENRY Joins Wye-reap; in her 69th year.

On the 4th, at St. Omer, Captain N. HADDOCK HoLworrar, R.N.; in his 824 year. Oa the 5th, at Dadiug,ton, Gloucestershire. Sir C. BETHEL!, CODRINGTON, Bart. On the 5th, at his house in Berkeley Square, Lieutenant-Colonel EDWARD BOSCAWEN FREDERICK; in his 81st year. On the 6th. at his house in Park Street. Grosvenor Square, FRANCIS Caoss, Esq., late one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery. On the 8th, at Albany Street, Regent's Park. Lteutenant General ST. GEORGE ASIIE, in MS Seth year. He had served upwards of forty two years in India, and was the senior officer in the Bengal Army.

On the 8th, at Stoueleigh Abbey, Warwickshire. the seat of hereon. the Right Hon. Lord Leigh. the Hon. Mrs. Luau, sister of the Right Hon. Lord Saye-and Sele. and Relict of the late JAMES HENRY LEIGH, Esq., of Stoneleigh Abbey, aid Adlestrop House, Gloneestershire; in her 724 year. At his seat. Hempriggs, near Caithness, N. B., Lord DUFFUS; in his 824 year.