11 FEBRUARY 1899, Page 24

(Mulloch and Son.) — The Scottish Church and University Almanac, 1899. (Macniven

and Wallace, Edinburgh.)—The Kalendar of the English Church. (Church Printing Company.)—The editor

acknowledges in his preface that "some of the High Church clergy have introduced ceremonies which cannot be defended, and have taken liberties with the Book of Common Prayer."

We cannot but think that he is himself to some extent an offender or encourager of offenders. He prints the " Sarum Kalendar" as a supplement, to judge from the directions given,

to the Book of Common Prayer. The observance of All Souls' Day is, we see, contemplated, directions being given for the ritual. We welcome the half-yearly volume of Work : a Journal for Mechanics (Cassell and Co.), a periodical which needs no commen- dation from us.—Outside its scope is one particular form of work treated in One and All Gardening : a Popular Animal for Amateurs, Allotment Holders, and Working Gardeners, edited by Edward Owen Greening 43, ,Agar Street, Strand), a very marvel of cheapness, for its gives about two hundred pages, with pictures, for twopence.