Sia,—While warmly advocating all the suggestions in Dr. E. F.
Griffith's article (in The Spectator, February and, 1944), may I draw attention to one very important point?—i.e., those women who are to be trained in sex education.
During the past twenty years my work on Infant Welfare and Borough Health Committees has brought me in touch with many women who are working daily with mothers and young married women.
The majority of these women are unmarried, and (though "well meaning" in their way!) are totally unfitted to help or guide other women in the difficult paths of sexual relationship.
If we are to help the young wife or mother in married problems, we must do so through the medium of a knowledgeable and under- standing married woman, who knows life from personal experience and not from books and lectures.—! am, Sir, yours, &c., " ONCE MARRIED."