Short-term Housing
The Minister of Works, Lord Portal, made a reassuring statement on Tuesday about that side of the housing problem with which his department is concerned. Its most striking feature was the declara- tion of the Government's intention to erect immediately after the war large numbers of " pre-fabricated " houses which would be publicly owned and have an estimated life-time of ten years. Only sc can the clamant need for housing be met while the long term pro- gramme, which has to provide some four million houses, is being carried out. To build ten-year houses and then scrap them is obviously wasteful, but it is as obviously the most effective way of meeting an urgent and insistent need. Lord Portal is to be con- gratulated on his foresight and decision, but local authorities are still left completely in the dark about major issues of Govern- ment policy, regarding the powers that are to be entrusted to them, the financial help that will be given, the location of popula- tion to be housed and many other matters which must, be settled before they can complete their plans.