In the Bankruptey Court, yesterday, Captain Samuel Edward Warner, of
the "long range,' passed his last examination without opposition.
In the Central Criminal Court, the Hopwoods, George and Edith, were ac- quitted on the charge already described by us of attempting to assassinate Jane Parnell in the open street. Parnell and two other witnesses were com- mitted to be tried for perjury. Henry Harwood, the burglar with whom Dock, the coachman of Mrs. Sheratt, had a struggle on the top of the house- porch in Soho Square, was convicted, and sentenced to be transported for seven years.
In the ease of a clergyman in the upper part of Essex, recently charged
with a very serious offence both in e to law and morality, a sen- tence of three years' rustication, passed upon him by the Bishop of the diocese, has been submitted to, and further proceedings of a criminal na- ture have been in consequence abandoned.-Essex Standard.
The cotton-factory of Messrs. Wallace, Watchurst, and Thompson, in Chepstow Street, Manchester, was totally destroyed by fire yesterday morn- ing: iusurartces to the amount of 22,000/. will barely cover the loss, and from four to five hundred persona will be thrown out of employment.