The English Funds gave way a little on Monday. This fall was induced- by the decline of the French Funds in Paris, on the resignation of the Mi- nistry. Our own Stocks, however, have nearly recovered the depression, and close this afternoon within k per cent of the price of last Saturday; Consols for Account being 961 -1. The books of the various Stocks, which had been shut for the dividend, opened for private transfer on Monday, and Money transactions have been again resumed in them. The reinvestment of the dividends does not appear to have been so extensive as usual ; large capi- talists being evidently deterred from purchasing by the fear of a further in- crease in the Bank rate of discount. The business transacted, both real and speculative, has consequently been limited. The meeting of the Bank Di- rectors yesterday was looked to with expectant interest ; but no increase in the rate of discount was announced. I he export of gold continues, though not to the extent to which it went a fortnight ago. The importation of Railway Shares from Paris has entirely ceased; the price in London not being sufficiently above that of Paris to allow of any profit on the operation. But large quantities of flour are imported, and it is in payment for this com- modity that gold is exported. The rate of exchange upon Paris is nearly the same-about 10 centimes higher than the lowest quotation : the rise in the rates upon Hamburg and Holland recently noticed has been main- tained.
From the quarterly notice issued by the Lords of the Treasury it appears, that the surplus revenue of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- land for the year ending 10th October 1850 Amounted to £3,463,154 13 1 One-fourth of which is applicable to the reduc- tion of the Debt 865,788 13 3 Add interest receivable on account of donations and bequests to be applied to the purchase of Stock 3,818 10 .11 £869,607 4 2 In the Foreign Market, the business has been of a very limited character, and scarcely any fluctuation has occurred. Money is rather more in demand than usual, but is obtainable on good security on loan for short periods at the rate of 3 per cent per annum. The settlement of the half-monthly ac- coup occurs on Wednesday next ; when, from the indisposition apparent among capitalists to make advances except at high rates of interest, money will probably be-in demand. The transactions in Railway Shares have not been extensive, and prices generally am within 5s. os 10s. per share of those of last week. The period 1..s now arrived when the speculation which has for some time been in- dulged in as to the amount of dividend to be paid upon particular Shares will be converted into certainty by official, declarations; and we expect it will be found in almost every case, that the improvement in dividend is not equal to the advance in prices during the last few months.
The French Funds gave way slightly in Paris yesterday. This circum- stance, and the defeat of the new Ministry in the Chamber, (which did not take place-till after the close of the Bourse,) has caused a trifling decline in our own Funds. Consols opened at 961 1 both for Money and Account, and have continued steady at that price without the occurrence of important business. The Foreign Market is without material change. Railway Shares rather heavy, as the following record of business transacted will show : Great Northern, 1744; Ditto (f A Deferred, 64); Great Western, 781 78.; Hull and Selby, 101; North-western, 1241 4; South-western, 784; Mid- land, 484; North Staffordshire, 94; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 131; South-eastern, 231 23.
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account
3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents VI 96 98, a .
Long Annuities 71 13-16 Bank Stock 2141 Exchequer Bills 58 61 pm.
India Stock - Brazilian 5 per Cents 88 90 ' Belgian 41 per Cents 90
9 1
Chilian 6 per Cents 103 5 I Danish 5 per Cents 100
SATURDAY Two o'Cl.ocie.
Danish 3 per Cents 75 8 Dutch 21 per Cents 571 8 Ditto 4 per Cents 90 1 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 341 / Peruvian 6 per Cents 79 80 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 341 .51-. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 75 8.
Russian 5 per Cents 110 112
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 171 f
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 38 1 Venezuela 30 2
The French Funds -are reported to have fallen 1 or 11 per cent after the close of the Bourse in Paris yesterday. And the 5 perCents (French) have- been sold; here to day at 94; a decline of f per cent upon the price at the close of the Bourse yesterday. Our own Funds are, consequently lower ; Consols after being at 961 close at 961 4, and the other English' Stocks at a' proportionate decline: The business transacted has not however been-large. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been confined-to the following' -Brazilian, 894; Grenada, 171; Mexican, 344.45; Peruvian, 791; Rus- sian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 96b; Spanish Active, 171.; Ditto-Three per - Cents, 38; French Five per Cents, 94; Exchange, 25 20; Dutch Four per Cents, 901 ; Ditto Two-and-a-half per Cents, 581 571. The Railway Share Market has given way generally ; the latest transac- tions,being in almost .every case lower than. at the commencement. The following are theprincipal bargains occurring; Aberdeem 1.0 ; Bristol and Exeter, 77; - Caledonian 101; Chester and Holyhead; 164; Ditto •Prefer- enoe, 141 1 ; Eastern Counties 6; . East -Lancashire, 121,5; Great 1Torthern; 174,1,4; Great Western, -781,1171; . ThaLuid Selby, 101; , Liuicashire and. Yorkshire, 561 7 61; Ditto Fifths, 41; London,and Blackwell, 61 _1,14 London, Brighton, and South-"Coast, 881.; 1Ditte New, Guaranteed U. per,. Cent, 1388 ; London and North-eiestern,,I241 A 34; Ditto New- Quarter-.7 shares,' 203; Ditto Fifths, 16/ 4; London and-Southwestean, 781 8,'' Mid.:; land, 481 ii; North Staffordshire, 9i,4; $outh-eastern and Dover, 231 21 S.,;.; York and North Midland, 221j; Zoulogee and Amiens, 8/ 4; , Central a: France,i(Orleans and Tierzon,) 1o4; East India_m.111 12; Northern ofFrancepi 14/ 15 144 ; Paris and Rouen, 9; Rouen .and Havre, 101; Anstralaaitin,1001,;,