On the 27th July, at New- Norfolk, Van Dienien's Land, the, Wife of the Vene- rable.Archdeacon Marriott, of a son.
On the 6th November, atPeshawur, the-Lady of Lieutenant-CeloneIJohnTordyce, of the Bengal Artillery, of a son. - On the 28th. December, at Florence; the Wife of the Rev. Logan Hobinson, of a . daughter. On the 4th January, at Lowndes Square, the "Wife 'ofE. Carleton Tufnell, -Esq., of a daughter. On the 5th, at Deal, the Wife :of Julius Brockman Backhousei"C.B., -late Captain -and Brevet-Major BengalArtillery, of a danghter.
On the ith, at the Royal Circus, Edinburgh, the Wife of- Major-Blackburn; Eighty- fifth.Light Infantry, of a son.
On the 8th, atManchester Square,- the Wife of -Sidney Gurney, Esq., of a daugh- ter.
' On-the 12th October, at Valparaiso, Chili; William' Parish Robertson, jun., Esq., to Fanny, youngest daughter of -the late Daniel Harrington, Esq., Lieutenent R.N., of Dieppe.
' -On the 22d December. Edward Charles John, eldest and only surviving' son of, the Rev. Edward Cebbold, Rector of Long htelford, -Snifolk, also of Wallington, in Norfolk to Elizabeth Cassandra, eldest daughter of-the Rev. Thomat Charles Boone, ;Vicar-of Kensworth, Herts. Olathe 31st; at Leyton Church, 'Essex, -the Rev. Henry Bayley, .13.D.; Fellow of 'at. .1ohn'SColleg,e, Cambridge, and Warden of St. Augnstine's-telle,g,e;.Cauterbiwy--, to alias Henrietta Browne, youngest daughter of the late Rev. - H. Browne, of ilig,hani, Norfolk. On the 2d January, at St. Saviour's Church, Bath, James Blair; Esq, second eon of -the lateCaptain Edward M'Lecal Blair, Bengal-Army, to Frances Belinda Emily, fifth daughterolthe lateN. I. Ilalhed,'Esq., -Bengal Citilfiervice. On the 2d -at Romford- the. Rev. James Charles Blonrfiell, Rector bf Launton, Oxen, to Mary Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Henry Tweed;'Esq., 'of Samford Lodge.
Orethe 6th, at North Walsham, the Bev. Thomas Dry,Mead Mat..tet of the Gram- mar Schooloind Curate of the pani-h -of North 'Waltham, Susanna,-third daughter of John Prentice; Esq., of the same place.
Onthe 7th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Captain A. C. -Gleig; floral Artillery, -to Jessie, only daughter of John Stuart; Esq., M.P.
On the '9th, at'the Catholic Chapel, Kensington, by Dr: Dllathome, Bishop of Bir-
mingham, and afterwards at Little Portland Street Chapel, -by the John Bou- cher,, Sydney, youngest son of Benjamin Kennedy, 'Esq.,- bf Upper Harley Street,
Cavendish Square,to.Adelaide Helen, seconddanghter Ullathorne, Esq., of Mound House, Notting H111.
On the 12th 'July, at.Bathurst, :New South- Wales, Captain John -Hardman Lister, son of the late John Hardman Lister, Esq., of Scarborough ; ins. 47th year. On the 2d November, at Nagode, in the East -Indies, Brevet-Major John Robert Sandford, of the Tweety-secondMadras. Native- Infantry, awl :only brother of the late T. H. Sandford, Esq.. of Sandford, Shropshire.
On the 225 December, Charles T. Johnson,:Esq.,.of the-General Post-office; ichis 47th year.
On the 28th, at Balraaghie. House, Castle Douglas, N. It., James . Murray Gordon, Esq., Rear-Admiral:of the Blue tin his.68.thyear.
On the 28th, at Altona,Brofessor Schumacher. On the 31st, at Hyde, Isle-of Wight, Thomas Leach, Esq., hrotherof Violate Nis- terof the Rolls; in his 79th year.
On the 1st January, at'Cluitle Dawson, Ireland, Captain Trelawny, Grenadier Guards, . eldest son- :Barry Brezeton ;Trelawny,..Esq„. of „Hertford :Street, Mayfair. On the 25, at Birmingham, the :Rev. Rana Kennedy, for many years one of -the Masters of the Free Grammar School, and the much respected minister of the Gospel at St. Paul's Chapel, both in that town. Onthe.5th,-after a' few day's :illness; Sophia, Wife of Edward Hollaud,Hsq.,...of Dumbleton, Gloucestershire; iither .37th year. On the 6th; at -Exmouth, _Anne, Widow of the late James Buller,Bsq., of Downes ; in her 85th year.
On the Stb,,at. the- Marine'i'arade, Darer, .Lieutenant-Colonel, Baldwin; -in..his 77th year. On the 8th, at Cambridge. Jahn lia*iland, Esq., M.D.i.for more thanthirty=thisee years-Regius Prefessonot Physic in the 'University.